Chapter 2: Meeting Gold

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(Hehe I just like this song. Don't ask.)
I walked down the hall on my way to second period, or science, when I noticed something. Bonnie was still following behind me, I turned to him, curiosity must have been written all over my face because he said, "What? We both have Mrs. Jessel's science class next. I could tell because we have the same books with us." I went back to looking ahead of me when somewhen yelled, "Hey Bonnie wait up!" I turned to see Gold running up with the same science book in his hands. The blonde headed boy finally caught up to us and turned to me then to Bonnie then back again. He repeated this process a few times, puzzlement written across his face, he asked, "Wait who are you?" I looked at him and stuck out my hand for him to shake then said, "I'm (y/n), it's nice to meet you." He took my hand, brought it up to his lips, and kissed my knuckles. I blushed turning my head away to cover it while he just looked at me and smirked, out of the corner of my eye I could see Bonnie glaring daggers, no wait, flamethrowers at Gold. "Well miss (y/n), you may call me Gold." Gold stated smiling down at me since he is pretty tall. Bonnie then shoved in saying, "Well we better get to class or we'll be late!" and started to drag me by the wrist toward our next class. As we entered the classroom the bell rang, meaning we got there just in time. The classroom we were now in had metal tables in three rows with three chairs at each table. Bonnie dragged me to the back sitting me in the middle seat while he sat to my right and Gold plopped himself down on my left. As the class started I dozed off to dreamland while I doodled in my notebook, but something caught my attention when Gold slid a piece of paper in front of me. I picked up the paper and it read, 'Hey do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch today?' I thought about it, I guess friends means the kids I saw him and Bonnie with earlier today. I guess I would like to meet them, so I wrote 'yes' and slid it back to Gold. A few seconds later the paper was slid back in my direction, it read, 'Cool'. I looked back at Gold who was taking down notes, shook my head, and got back to doodling for the rest of class.

A/N- Well there you go Golden Freddy fans! Don't worry you meet Freddy next Reader-chan! Sorry this chapter wasnt crazy long, but I was typing this on my ipad at 3 AM because Wattpad on my computer stopped working when I was done typing the new part to my other story. You should check that out by the way Bonnie fans!

See you in the next chapter my Munchies!

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