Chapter 5: A new day, a dance, and COUSINS?!

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A/N- Warning video does have some fowl language if you are sensitive to that stuff then don't watch, but I was trying to listen to music while I typed this chapter so I HAD  to add this! Enjoy!

The next morning I came into school to hear it noisier than usual, 'What the heck is going on', I thought trying to find out what the hustle was about. I shook it off and headed to my locker and of course there's the gang, it seemed as if Bonnie was waiting for me because as soon as I got over to my locker he walked over to me. "Hey (y/n)! You won't believe it!" he shouted drawing some stares, I sighed and asked, "Okay, what is it?" When Bonnie went to answer he was pushed aside by Chica who yelled, "They announced that the Junior winter dance is next week! It's guys ask girls this year!" I went on with putting books and thangs (hehehe back to the story) in my locker not even caring about a dance at his point, I would have gone with my old friends just to have fun, but now it would be strange. Chica looked disappointed by my reaction while Bonnie got up and asked, "What's wrong (y/n)? Don't you want to go to it?" I sighed once again and said, "I think I'll just stay home this year." Chica gasped and pulled me over to Freddy and Gold who were talking at their lockers Bonnie followed behind us and when we were in front of them Chica yelled, "Guys! (y/n) isn't excited about the dance and she said she wasn't going! We have to get her a date to the dance so she HAS TO GO!!!" I hit Chica playfully on the shoulder while she giggled, Gold stared wide eyed and Freddy just smirked. Right then Foxy walked up and asked, "What's with all the yelling lass?" Chica explained everything to Foxy who just nodded, I sighed knowing that I wasn't getting out of this. Freddy took my hands in his and said, "It would be a pleasure to be your date to the dance, my dear.~" I blushed, pulling my hands away I mumbled, "But, I don't know IF I want to go at all. Date or no date." Chica just giggled and said, "Well I don't care! If you get a date, which you will, you will have to go! Now let's talk about what we're going to wear!" Chica grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards first period with the others on our tails. (hehehe tails because they all have tails as animatronics, no... okay...)

~Time Skip of Laziness~

Throughout the day everyone, even quiet Foxy, couldn't stop talking about the dance. I just thought of how I was going to get out of this mess as I got my lunch and sat down. The others said they would catch up because they had to talk to their teachers so I was by myself until two people sat down on either side of me. I looked to my right to see a smirking boy who looked just like Freddy, but dressed in purples and blacks. When I looked to my left I saw another smirking male who looked like Bonnie, but dressed in greys and blacks. "Who the heck are you two!" I asked the Freddy look-alike chuckled and said, "I am Shadow, but you can call me Shawn! The other one is Shane! Who are you dear?~" He grabbed my hand and stroked the back of it with his thumb. I blushed even though I just met this 'Shadow/Shawn', I then heard Freddy's voice behind us, "What are you two doing here?!" I flinched from the anger in his voice. Shawn let go of my hand and stood up in front of Freddy both of them glaring at the other, they looked to be the same height and were very similar. I sat there and tried to understand what was going on while Shane just chuckled next to me, but he stopped once Bonnie pulled him to his feet by his collar. Gold walked up and stood next to Freddy joining the staring contest, 'Man! They could be triplets!'  I stood up, waved my hands around, and asked, "Okay what is going on here?!" Gold glanced over to me then Bonnie, Bonnie looked over at me and said, "Well (y/n), these are our cousins."


A/N- Hehehe! I just made it a lot harder for reader-chan! Now you have the Shadows liking you as well and a dance coming up! Have fun reader-chan! Oh and I have to ask you all something! Do you guys want a Herobrine x Reader because yes I do play Minecraft and I am a Herobrine fan!

Herobrine: Well that's nice of you!~

PieMuncher: Uhhhh... get back in Minecraft you don't have a story yet, maybe I'll start writing it next week when I come back!

Herobrine: Alright!~ See you soon Munchies!~

PieMuncher: Like he said. See you in the next chapter my Munchies!


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