Chapter 8: A date?

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(y/n) POV:

For some reason when I walked into school this morning I felt like it was going to be a good day and I didn't know why. The morning seemed pretty normal except for a certain Bonnie was avoiding us, I would see him and then he would be gone completely ignoring me and the others. 'Oh well.' He probably thought we would be mad at him because of yesterday. I let him have his space and went on with the day talking and chatting to the others, but most of what Chica would talk about is how cute Gold and I would be together. Speaking of Gold I haven't really talked to him either and he is being awfully quiet, he is here and listening to the conversation just not talking or anything. 'Strange?' Maybe I'll talk to him about it at lunch.

~Time skip to lunch because I'm lazy today~

Before I could even enter the lunch room, I heard my name being called from down the hall. I turned to see Gold making his way over so I met him in the middle of the hall and greeted him, "Oh! Hey Gold! What's up?" He looked very nervous, "(y/n), I need to ask you a very important question," he paused and looked around then straight into my eyes, "(y/n), will you go on a date with me?" He blushed which made me smile so I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and said, "Of course I'll go on a date with you Gold!" I felt him tense, but then relax and return the gesture. I pulled back to see him smiling and blushing like crazy, "Thank you (y/n), ummm... I'll meet you at the park around six?" I smiled and replied, "Okay that would be great!" He took my hand and we walked hand in hand to the others.

~Another time skip to when you are walking to the park~

(you can wear whatever you want, I would just wear jeans, a long-sleeve shirt, and a jacket [remember it's January so its cold ]) I was on my way to the park walking down the sidewalk, thankfully the park wasn't that far away from home so I was just able to walk. When I got there I saw Gold sitting on a bench, so I waked over and sat on the bench saying, "Excuse me sir I'm looking for a boy with a top hat and bowtie in navy blue." He looked up at me confused then laughed when he saw it was me, "Oh hey (y/n), so what do you want to do?" I looked around and noticed the park swings I gasped and yelled, "Let's go on the swings!" I grabbed his hand before he could respond and dragged him over to the swings. I sat down and yelled, "Push me!" He laughed and started pushing the swing both of us laughing the whole time. After swinging we walked hand in hand and talked about each other most of the conversation being about my old house and neighborhood along with my old friends. I learned some things about Gold that were actually quite funny, like his younger brother, Troy, Freddy, and Shadow all would prank Gold or each other. They would even have all out prank wars! (I would love to join those!) He learned that my older brother, Zach, lived in Europe studying. (If you don't have a brother just pretend.) I learned that Chica and Foxy actually had a lot of feelings for each other, and I told Gold about my elementary school days, "In seventh grade my old school closed, so for eighth grade year my friends and I all had to go to different schools. All my friends went to one school while I went to another, but we stayed in touch. It was only for the one year because we all went to the same high school, well not anymore at least." (again just pretend) Gold looked at me like I just told him the most depressing story ever while I just kept looking ahead. I to assure him that it was okay and went back to walking.

~Another time skip~

It was getting dark and Gold and I were sitting under a tree until the stars and the moon started to appear, "Gold I better be getting home, it's starting to get dark." "Oh, come on I'll drive you home." We walked to his car (the same silver sedan) and he opened the passenger door for me then closed it once I sat down. He got in the drivers seat and started the car, "So (y/n), where do you live?" "On (address)." He nodded and turned his attention to the road. When we stopped outside my house, Gold got out and opened up my door and walked me to the front steps, "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow, (y/n)." I nodded and pulled his head down and gave him a small and gentle kiss on the lips then rushed inside. I walked up to my room and looked out my window to see Gold blushing like crazy frozen on the front steps. He snapped back into reality and started to do a silent happy dance then get into his car and drive off. I laughed and got ready for bed, preparing for the next morning.

A/N- Longest chapter yet! I can't believe it, you went on a date with Gold how cute! *muffled bangs and yells coming from outside the locked door* Hehehe...uhhh... don't worry about that, but I had to lock Gold and Bonnie in another room before they destroyed everything in my bedroom. Hehehehe... *muffled girly scream* Oh crap! Don't worry Gold I've got the tranquilizer hold on!

See you in the next chapter my Munchies!


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