Chapter 6

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Blue POV

Blue stares at Second surprised. Who was he talking to?

"You want to explain to us why you ran off like that!" Green yelled

"I...saw someone," Second said uncertainly.

"We've been stuck in this cave for hours," Red said, "and we haven't run into another stick."

"I mean, The Dark Lord did attack me in the cave, but you guys don't believe me, so I guess that doesn't count," Yellow said sarcastically

Green gave Yellow an annoyed look before turning back to Second.

"I'm telling you someone was here! There was this white figure that looked like me, and I had seen her in my dreams, but she disappeared before I could talk to her. And there was this gray figure who had been watching me this whole time and knew about my powers and-"

"Second, just stop!" Green said, "Do you really think we will believe you were talking to some imaginary figure?"

"They were not imaginary! They're real!" Second said, then turned to the others.

"You guys believe me, right?"

No one answered Second, but instead, they stared at the ground. Blue tried to speak but couldn't and found breathing harder than ever before."

Green started pacing around Second.

"This is all your fault!" Green spat. "If we had never followed you into the cave, we wouldn't be stuck here. Your stupid magic only causes trouble!"

"Oh, really. My magic is the only reason that we were able to find Blue and Red. The Dark Lord would have killed us if my magic hadn't activated at that time."

Green whipped around to face Second, his eyes cold with rage.

"Shut up Second, you're not special!"

Blue noticed that Red had moved closer to him as if frightened by Green's sudden outburst. He tried comforting Red but realized he couldn't feel his hands.

"You may have saved us from the Dark Lord, but it's also why we're stuck here in this world. If you hadn't stopped to fight The Dark Lord, then we would have been home safe and sound. We should have never listened to you. Why are we always listening to you?"

Blue saw the growing confusion and anger on Second's face.

"I thought friends were supposed to listen to each other," he said quietly, "Was I ever your friend?"

Green paused, his gaze unreadable. Second looks over at his friends angrily.

"Tell me the truth, am I your friend or just a burden?"

"A burden? Never! You were always a friend," Red said

"Yeah, you are always part of the group," Yellow said

Blue could only nod, but Second didn't look that convinced. He turned back to Green.

"I can't believe I never realized, but you never liked me. You always try to out-beat me in competitions, although I thought it was because we had some sort of bond. I guess I was wrong. And ever since we have been in this world, you have just been angrier with me. In fact, I think it goes deeper than that. You hate me, don't you, Green?"


"Stop lying to me and answer the question! Do you hate me?"

"Yes!" Green screamed, "I hate you! I hate your powers! And I wish I never ever met you!"

As soon as Green said this, he covered his mouth in shock. Before Green could say anything else, Second was on top of him, and the two of them started fighting on the ground.

No, no, no!  Blue thought fearfully This is what I was afraid of

He tried moving, yelling, or anything to stop this, but he couldn't breathe. His vision started to blur, and his mind slowed. He felt himself collapse onto the ground, and he could only hear muffled voices. Suddenly, he felt the ground trembling.

Is that another earthquake?

The last thing you remember was being picked up before completely blacking out

S1 E7: The Cave of MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now