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An orange figure was watching four sticks fight each other. It was the most amazing, most exciting thing he had seen—well, other than this strange new environment he found himself in. A human had just drawn him into existence, but then he left to do something called laundry. Anyway, he had snuck away to explore and soon realized he was not alone.

I wish I could do moves like that, he thought as he saw the green stick karate kick the red stick.

Hold on, maybe I can; it doesn't look that hard

He tried copying their moves but ended up kicking a hole in the wall.

"What was that?" said the yellow stick

"Look!" said the blue stick, "Over there!"

Oh no! They found me! I need to run!

He ran away but heard footsteps behind him. Suddenly, he was tackled to the ground by the red stick.

"I caught you, intruder! No one invades our home and gets away with it."

"I'm sorry!" he said,  "Please don't hurt me.''

"Get off him, Red," said the blue stick, "He looked scared."

Red got off of him, and he got a good look at the four stick figures. They don't look mad?

"Um, what exactly are you?" asks the yellow stick.

"I'm not quite sure," he said, looking down at the body, "A stick, I guess."

The yellow stick got closer to him and started examining him.

"You do look similar to us. However, you have a different texture than us, and your head is bigger, and - wait- is that a hole? You have a hole for a head!"

"Yellow! That's rude." said the blue stick, "Sorry, Yellow can be a bit nosy sometimes."

"So, where do you come from?" said the green stick.

"The human drew me a few minutes ago, so I assume up there."

He pointed to a blank paper.

"The painting application," Yellow said

"Yeah," he said.

"Do you have a name?" asks Red

"I think it's The Second Coming."

"Wow, " said Green, "That's long."

"How about we call you Second," said Yellow

"That's perfect," he said, "Seriously though, I really didn't mean to disturb you. I just wanted to do all those cool fighting moves."

"Wait," said Blue. "You were watching us?"

"Yea, you guys were awesome! Especially Green."

"I am the best fighter out of all of us," said Green, puffing out his chest

"We know," said the rest of them.

"We can teach you," said Red excitedly

"Really," said Second and Green together, though Green's tone was more skeptical.

"Yea," said Red

They started teaching him their fighting moves, and he soon became better and better at them. He did wonder why Green was just standing there instead of teaching him like the others.

"You're really good at fighting," said Yellow

"Yeah," said Blue, "You beat every one of us."

"I bet you can beat Green," Red teased

"No way he can beat me," said Green

"You want to prove that," Second said

He took a step back when he saw Green's expression change slightly. Was he being too pushy?

"A challenge," Green said, then smiled, "This should be fun."

The two started circling each other. Green launched at Second, and they started fighting.

Wow, he's strong. Second thought as Green pinned him to the ground. But I have an idea

He stopped struggling so that Green would think that he had won.

"Ha, ha, see, I knew I would beat-"

Second flipped over and kicked Green's legs, causing him to fall over, and then pinned him to the ground.

"Who's the winner now!"

He looked around to see everyone's faces shocked.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"You actually beat Green," Red said in awe, "He's never lost before."

Second let Green get up, but Green just looked at him angrily and walked away.

"That was awesome!" Yellow exclaimed

"Yeah," said Red, "You totally kicked his butt."

"Yeah, I did," said Second, "But will he be ok?"

"He'll be fine," said Blue, "He needed to lose eventually."

"I know, but can I talk to him?"

Blue gave him a look, then sigh


Second went back to the website and found Green in one of the corners

"Go away!"

"I just want to talk."

"Really," said Green sarcastically, "You didn't just come here to brag."


"All right, what is it?"

"I was just wondering if you could teach me those moves you used on me."

"Seriously," Green said, surprised

"Yeah, they were amazing."

"Is this some type of trick?" Green said, narrowed his eyes

"What, no! Why would I trick you?"

"I-I don't know! Usually, when we beat each other, we brag about how great we were or call each other names. It's - I don't know - normal."

"Well... I guess I'm not normal then because I don't think that's very nice."

Green stared at him, his gaze unreadable.

"You actually want to learn my moves?"


To Second's surprise, Green started to look embarrassed

"Alright, but first, can you show that last move you used on me?"

"Really?" said Second, getting excited.

"Blue, Red, and Yellow had never done that before, so I assume you made it up. It really caught me off guard. How did you do it?"

As he taught Green his moves, happiness welled up inside him. The stick figures seem to like him, even Green. Maybe they would let him stay with them, and they will be friends. Could this be where he belong?

S1 E7: The Cave of MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now