Chapter 5

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Second POV 

Second dragged his feet as they walked up a slope. This trail seems to go on forever. Even worse, though, was that his friends seemed miserable. Yellow jumped at every sound and movement, and Green was strangely silent but snapped occasionally. However, something else has been going on ever since they entered the cave. He could sense some type of energy from his friends, especially Green. He even heard muffled voices when Green walked past him. He noticed Blue walking beside him.

"You're ok?" Second asked

"Yeah," Blue rasped, "But Second, are we almost out of the cave?"

"Honesty, I'm not sure," Second admitted, "Maybe I'm reading the trail wrong."


He waited for Blue to say something reassuring like he always does, but instead, he just stared at the ground.

Does Blue doubt me too? He thought unhappily

"Do you think everyone else is ok?" Second asked uneasily

"I mean, I did catch Red talking to himself, but I think that's just a sign that we've been in this cave too long. Why?"

"Well...I mean it probably nothing but...I sense something wrong with everyone."

"What do you mean?" Blue asked

"I don't know how to explain it, but it is like there is some type of darkness or problems everyone is hiding," Second said, "It's kinda overwhelming."

"Could it be your powers?"

"Has to be," Second said, "Either than that, or I'm going crazy."

As they continue through the cave, Second thought he heard someone calling his name. He turned around to his friends, but they were looking at him.

Who called me?


He stopped abruptly, sensing a presence nearby.

"Second, " asked Green, annoyed, "Why did you stop?"

"Someone here," Second said, "Someone calling me."

"What are you talking about?" Red asks.

Second then saw it. The white stick figure that looks like him. The same one from his dreams. The white stick noticed him and started to run away.

"Wait!" He shouted, "Come back!"

He started running after the figure.

"Second, slow down!" Red yelled

But he couldn't slow down. He had to catch up to her. Maybe she could explain everything—this strange cave, his powers, the voices. He leaped across a gap to see the white figure face to face and stood there in awe.

She's real. She actually real

The white figure looked like she was about to say something but suddenly looked past Second with a startled look and disappeared.

"Wait, don't go! Please!"

"Let her go, Second," said a voice behind him, "She's a troublemaker anyway."

He turned around to see a gray figure standing where his friends used to be.

"Who are you?" Second asked uneasily, "Where are my friends?"

"Relax," said the gray figure, "I'm not your enemy. In fact, I'm just like you."

Second stared at the gray figure closer and noticed that he was see-through.

"Who are you," he repeated, "And how do you know my name?"

"My name is Victim," the gray figure said, "And I've been watching you for some time now."

"You were stalking me!"

"No!" said Victim, "I was looking out for you."

Second tilted his head in confusion.


"Because you have been hanging out with those sticks!" said Victim

"And that a bad thing?" Second asked, "They're my friends."

"You think that they are your friends, but they're not. They can't be trusted."

Second, he crosses his arms with annoyance. Why was Victim so against sticks?

"Look, I don't mean to be so harsh, but you do know you're different from them, right? Especially now that you've discovered your power."

Second looked away, suddenly feeling sad

"It's been difficult," he said quietly

"And your "friends" haven't been that supportive, right

"Well - it technically not their fault," Second stammered, "We've been trapped in a whole new world for the past couple of weeks The Dark Lord has been trying to kill us, and we've all been really, really stressed-"

"Second, Second, Second," Victim said, shaking his head sadly, " I know this will be hard to accept, but they never cared about you. They're only showing their true colors now."

"That's not true!" Second said but was surprised to hear his voice not as confident

"You know I'm right," Victim said, "Especially that the green one. He hates you."

"No!" yelled Second, "I don't believe you!"

Victim gave Second an angry stare.

"Fine then."

A wall suddenly opened up to reveal his friends on the other side.

"I guess you have to learn the hard way."

S1 E7: The Cave of MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now