Chapter 4

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Green POV

Green grudgingly stuffed his phone back in his pocket.

"Great, no signal."

They had been inside the cave for hours, so he thought it would be a good idea to call Mango and Purple.

But of course, it doesn't work

A sudden wave of anger came over him. Why had Second insisted on coming down here? They would have been out of the cave, too, if it wasn't for Second's powers.

What's so great about them anyway? He doesn't even know how to use them half the time

"Jealous now, are we?"

When he turned to see who had spoken, he was surprised to find that it was his reflection.

"How...are you talking?"

"You didn't answer my question," the reflection said, "Why are you so jealous of Second?"

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not!" Green retorted, "His powers only cause trouble.  It's why we're trapped in this stupid cave."

"But you wouldn't have found Blue and Red if it weren't for Second, right?"

"Whatever," Green said, turning away

"You can try to deny it, but you've been jealous of Second for a long time."

Green tried walking away, but his reflection seemed to be everywhere.

"Second was always a better fighter than you," his reflection taunted, "He even beat you the first time you met."

"He got lucky," Green growled

"Then explain why you still lose to him. The only reason you win sometimes is because he let you."

"Will you shut up already!" Green yelled

"Oh, and another thing," his reflection sneered, "He can draw too! He is way more creative than you."

Green felt himself getting angrier as he stared at his reflection.

"I have talents too!"

"Like what, music? " his reflection scoffed, "Second can play way better than you. Don't you remember your music competition with that world-famous musician? Second completely outplayed you. You should quit the band now before you embarrass yourself even further."

He couldn't take it anymore. Trembling with rage, he punches one of the rocks with his reflection on it. It's shattered into a million pieces.

"Why won't you leave me alone!"

"You know why," his reflection said, its voice getting dark, "You know Second is a better stick than you. He cares about your friends more than you."

Fear rose in Green's chest as the cave started to get darker.

" I do care about my friends," Green said, his voice shaking,  "They're more important to me than anything."

"Then why did you crash into them at the car race? You could have killed them."

Green felt a pang of guilt as he remembered the car race. He was so angry back then. Blue tried to talk sense into him, but he didn't listen. Why didn't he listen?

"I-I didn't mean to crash into them," he stammered.

"But you did. You're a selfish jerk who doesn't deserve anything good in your life. Your friends will be better off without you. After all, they have Second; compared to him, you're nobody."

"No, no, no!" Green screamed as he punched every rock he could. When you finished, he fell to his knees, breathing hard. Pain pulsed through his hands, and when he looked at him, he saw a red liquid oozing out.

Is this what Purple called blood?

When he looked around to see if his reflection was gone, all he saw was broken glass. And yet the voices still echoed inside his head.






"I found him."

Green looked up to see Red and the others running to him.

"I'm glad we didn't lose you, " Blue rasped. "This cave is like a maze."

Green wasn't listening. He couldn't shake the terror he had experienced, so he got up and walked past his friends.

"We really need to get out of this cave," he said

"Green!" Second said, his voice filled with shock, "What happened to your hands?"

"Nothing," Green said, hiding his hands.


"I said it's nothing!" Green yelled, "Now would you mind your own business and get us out of this stupid cave!"

He tried to ignore his friend's shocked faces from his outburst as they continued through the cave.

Maybe my reflection was right. Maybe they would be better off without me

S1 E7: The Cave of MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now