Chapter 108: I'm Xuan Ci!

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Not only that, but he also felt an inexplicable pressure from this human.

The pressure even reminded him of his father’s unique Transcendent temperament.

“I’m Xuan Ci. I’m indeed a human.”

Xuan Ci had a kind smile on his face as he looked at Sen, as if he did not have any hostility.

“But you just said that you wanted to flatten human territory. Is that true?”

“So what if I am!”

Sen looked at Xuan Ci who was alone and said calmly.

So what if the human in front of him was a Transcendent? He was about to become a Transcendent. Even with the blood of the Mountain Chief Race in his body and the embryonic form of his divine power, ordinary extraordinary people were not his match.

“In that case, I didn’t find the wrong person.”

Xuan Ci put his hands together, and then a golden light surged out of his body.

“Namo Amitabha!”

A Buddhist proclamation sounded at the same time and instantly enveloped the people of the forest tribe.

Like a golden light, an indescribable power burst forth from Xuan Ci’s body.

Many people from the forest tribe only felt waves of Buddhist voices ringing in their ears, as if they wanted them to believe in this human in front of them.

It was as if Xuan Ci was their god, their Buddha.


Sen could not help but shout when he saw that many of his clansmen behind him were affected.

An aura emerged from its body to resist the Buddhist light that surged from Xuan Ci’s body.

As he shouted, a strange phenomenon appeared behind him. It was the embryonic form of his divine power. After all, he was about to enter the Transcendent realm.

Behind him, the faint shadow of a willow tree appeared. The willow tree seemed to have come from ancient times, and its aura was resisting Xuan Ci’s golden light.

“The embryonic form of a divine power?”

Seeing that the Forest Race in front of him had actually blocked his Buddhist voice with the embryonic form of a divine power, a smile appeared on Xuan Ci’s face.

“Looks like I still have to do it myself. Take it as a greeting gift for my junior!”

Xuan Ci smiled and raised his right hand high, as if he was preparing for something.

“Foreign races, show your true form!”

Xuan Ci had a solemn expression on his face. At this moment, his entire body was bathed in golden light. He was like a Buddha who had descended to the mortal world, or an angry Vajra.

His right palm pressed down, as if he wanted to suppress the entire Forest Race on the spot.

As Xuan Ci moved, the surrounding spiritual qi swarmed to his right hand and transformed into a huge pale golden spiritual qi palm.

“Vajra Palm!”


A loud bang landed on the ground like a huge explosion, raising countless soil and dust.

Some trees could not withstand it and were instantly crushed.

“Looks like it’s blocked!”

Xuan Ci had a kind smile on his face, but his gaze was fixed on the spot covered in dust and soil.