birth of the lion

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In a conference room, Queen Elizabeth was talking to Prince of Wales and Illustrious. All 3 were locked in conversation about this topic, which has been raging on for a while now, 5 days and 3 hours, to be precise. On one side, Illustrious was setting a pace of caution and taking their time using the process of slowly introducing them. On the other side was Prince of Wales urging that she should be heading towards the main base before tensions boil over. Although both were making valid points at the end of the day, it was their majesties decision.

(For immersion play sabaton dreadnought if you want)

POW: "Your majesty, I must urge the situation we face isn't going to be easy. If we hold her back, we risk her safety and being attacked  the worst time possible."

At the shipyard dock, workers were starting their work; triple 16-inch main gun turrets were slowly being lowered into their turret slots before the chains went slack, being released from the crane

Illustrious: "As much as I see your concerns, it is my belief that we do the routine war hasn't broken out yet and gives us time to make sure she's ready. Throwing her into combat untested against battle hardened kansen is a bad idea."

Straightening the turrets out, the large barrels were being attached and secure to her turrets, additional armour plating was being welded onto the main belt, and the various secondaries were being fitted and bolted into place

POW: "But what if something happens to our allies in the west and need her if she's doing trials close to ironblood mainland she could be destroyed by air attack or damaged depriving us of our most up to date kansen. Your majesty?"

Various last minute checks were being done her engines being started up, ammunition loaded and the white ensign & flag was being raised fluttering in the wind as the mental cubes the beating heart of all warships was installed a bright blue flash engulfed the ship causing many to cover their eyes

QE: "I have heard your arguments, and it is up to me to break this tie. Illustrious we shall go ahead and send her with a few escorts towards the main base a few weeks before myself and the main fleet departs giving time for the more important sea trials to be done and the rest can be concluded in the pacific."

A lone figure wearing an elegant dress with golden hair would open her eyes with a smile. "Well, well, it seems like they decided to build me after all hehe~" Walking down the gang plank, she was greeted by her ship builders. "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for building me I. HMS Lion shall prove my worth to my queen and this glorious nation in the finest tradition of the Royal Navy."

Illustrious sighed in relief while Wales (just gonna call her this from now on) nodded her head with a small smile sure it wasn't exactly what she wanted, but at least this talk is finally over. Standing to her feet, QE made her way to the door with her sister warspite and head maid Belfast. QE: "Right! with this topic behind us, let's greet our new girl. I do hope she is well mannered."A bit giddy in speech she forced it down to keep her professionalism. As the small group walked to the shipyard, they all immediately could see Lion, who was talking to the ship builders, making sure to get all the details necessary as well as a few random questions. With the 3 looking at her, then at her ship, the more observant worker pointed them out, prompting the newly awakened battleship to turn her attention towards the trio. Walking over at a brisk pace, she would do a traditional kneel with her head bowed. "Your majesty. I am at your service and ready to serve."
Satisfaction crossed QE face as she looked down at her.

QE: "You may rise, Lion. I'm glad to see your already eager to get started. Bell?" Rising to her feet, Belfast would move in front and bow a bit, raising 2 ends of her dress a bit. Belfast: "Yes, your majesty. Good afternoon Lion my name is Belfast. I shall be showing you around. Would you please follow me." Taking her leave, Lion would follow after paying her respects and thanking her queen before hurrying along to catch up to the light cruiser. Unsure what to say fully, she took a wild swing at trying to make small talk. "So Belfast, can I ask what is expected and my priorities after the tour?" Stopping and turning to look at her with a warm smile Belfast would keep it short. Belfast: "As you already know, we serve the Queen and the expectation when interacting with others. For now, you will meet the others on the tour, start your sea trials, and when you think your ready after the tests, you will be heading west to link up with the main base."

Making a mental list of the things to expect and do she would grin. "Then I'll make sure to pass these trials with flying colours Belfast so I can head west to carry out our queen's will." Raising her fist a bit as her grin sharpened, causing a giggle from the light cruiser. Belfast: "I'm certain you will Lion but for now, allow me to show you around and get you familiar with the place and others. Everyone has already been made aware, so don't worry about any surprises." Pouting a little, she would walk beside them. "Well, that's no fun. A small surprise is always going to be a guarantee that one will always have an interesting day, Belfast. Or something to brighten it up." Shaking her head playfully, the light cruiser would start showing her around. Belfast: [I can already tell your going to brighten things up around here more then it already is Lion.] Getting the full tour eventually she was shown to her room where Belfast had a bit of advice.

Belfast: "Alright, so that was the main base you know where the canteen is, the bath house, head quarters, shops, and now the dorms. You will be sharing a dorm with Revenge. She said you could move in with her as her sisters are sharing with other people." Handing over a spare key, Lion took it gently from her and took a deep breath. "Thanks for the tour. I'll make sure to introduce myself and thank Revenge for allowing me to share her room." Unlocking the door and entering the room she softly closed the door behind as it locked.

(Well then it has finally come time to start this one up been a long while since I last touched this one hope you all enjoy the first chapter now I'm not sure who I'm gonna ship Lion with leave it down in the comments who you think the ship will be I'll be revealing the pairing in the next chapter until then cya).

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