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After the eventful lunch break, All the students were required to return to the classroom to meet thier trainer

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After the eventful lunch break, All the students were required to return to the classroom to meet thier trainer. Only issue was that all the other teams had already left except for Team 7.

"He's late" Naruto said while peeking out the door.

"Naruto just sit down!" Sakura shouted at the blond.

"Uh don't tell him what to do." Miki quickly replied and glared at the girl. Since they had been in the class the two had been glaring at each other the whole time. Naruto seen the two glaring at each other which caused him to ask his sister what had happened but the red head would simply reply with a 'nothing' and act as if he never asked.

"Yeah, I dont want to. How come our teacher's the only one thats late? I'm ready to roll. Believe it!" Naruto said, "The other groups already met their new teachers and took off on some adventure or something, and Iruka senseis gone, too."

"We know, okay?"

Naruto then put the chalk eraser in between the door so it would fall on their teacher.

"Naruto!" Sakura scolded the boy.

As Sakura and Sasuke talked to the boy Miki just stared at the clock in thought. It had already been about 2 hours since they got back from lunch and they were still waiting.

The door suddenly began to open pulling Miki out of her thoughts as she looked towards the door wanting to see what would happen. When a man with a mask and white hair came through and got hit by the chalk eraser, they all went quiet.

Naruto broke the silence when he started laughing at the man, "I got him! He totally fell for it!"

"Im so sorry, sensei. I told him not to do it, but he wouldn't listen. Id never do anything like that." Sakura said trying to act innocent in the matter.

The masked man picked up the eraser, stared at the 4 kids and then said, "Hm. How can I put this? My first impression of this group: You're a bunch of idiots."

This made them all sulk and Miki turn red.


"Alright. Why dont you introduce yourselves one at a time?" The jounin said to the children once they had gone to the roof of the academy.

"Introduce ourselves? Well, what are we supposed to say?" Sakura asked.

"Things you like. Things you hate. Dreams for the future. Hobbies. Things like that. The man replied to the question as if it was obvious.

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