"You got this Alethea!" The words of encouragement from my friends reached my ears and that made me all the more determined to pass this final exam.

I slipped through the lasers, my movements graceful, and finally I reached the rose. I concentrated on protecting the rose while avoiding all the obstacles until I neared the pedestal. Gasps were heard throughout the room, a shadow looming over me and I looked up, my heart hammering against my ribcage but I refused to falter.

"Alethea, watch out!"

I took a deep breath and raised my hand, the other holding the rose. My aura glowed, liquid tendrils twirling around me like dancers and with a flick of my wrist, I commanded the water to take shape, firing it and blasting through the stoned rock Miss Faragonda summoned, breaking it into pieces.

I actually controlled my magic. I smiled when noticing that my magic overpowered the stoned rock, without wasting any more time, I gently placed the rose on the pedestal, finishing my exam.

"Excellent performance, Alethea." Miss Faragonda praised, a proud smile present on her face. "You managed to avoid all obstacles, you will be rewarded with an A+" If it were even possible, my smile grew, pleased that I passed with such a good grade. "Now go take a seat, next up is Bloom."

A bright blue glow surrounded me, transforming back to my civilian form. I flashed Bloom a thumbs-up and went to take a seat next to my friends who congratulated me. Bloom looked really nervous and frowned, she seemed really distracted and I wondered what was up with her. After Miss Faragonde gave her the instructions, Bloom's exam started. She successfully avoided the lasers that were coming at her but her movements were slow, too slow and that worried me.

"That was close." I mumbled under my breath as Bloom barely dodged a laser.

"She's slow." Stella spoke up to my surprise, taken aback that she heard me and the serious look on her face but I managed to nod in agreement.

"That's one." Faragonda counted as Bloom got hit by a laser and I looked at her worriedly, she looked way too distracted. Bloom got hit by another laser. "Two." Bloom flew up and caught the rose, and dodged all the obstacles, flying toward the pedestal to place her rose down. She was about to place the rose down when a magical rock appeared above her head.

"Bloom watch out!" Me and the others cried out. Bloom screamed as the rock came flying to her at great speed, it was as if she was paralyzed with fear but before the rock could hit her, Miss Faragonda stopped the attack when noticing Bloom's distracted state.

Bloom screamed as she saw the rock flying toward her and yet I wondered; why wasn't she defending herself? Thankfully, she didn't get hurt because Miss Faragonda stopped the attack last minute when noticing Bloom her distracted state.

"Work harder Bloom and you will do better." Miss Faragonda frowned as Bloom looked disappointed. "Next up is Flora."

The exams soon ended, and I made a bee-line for Bloom and nudged her side to grab her attention. "Cheer up, Bloom! You're hanging out with Brandon today, right? Maybe that could take your mind off everything."

Bloom perked up at that.

"You're right!" Bloom beamed and wrapped an arm around me. "Thank you for this, Alethea."

My lips curled up in a soft smile. "Don't mention it."


In a dimly lit room that I shared with Stella, the only source of illumination was the soft glow of my phone. The room seemed to shrink, cocooned by the virtual world emanating from my handheld device. My heart fluttered like a delicate butterfly, uncertain whether it should take flight or stay in the safety of hesitation. In the end, I took a deep breath and summoned the courage to press send.

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