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"What's the gossip cooking on between you too, huh?" Smriti asked, an amused grin curled on her lips as she noticed the two dancing best friends, Suraini and Chitra, giggle with each other.

Medha smiled at the two and took her seat beside them after placing her belongings on the ground. Suriani nudged a flushed Chitra, who mock-glared at her while shaking her head.

"Uff... come on! Say it now," Smriti commanded in a playful tone.

Chitra looked at the fluttering green grass outside the dining area, her eyes carrying a dreamy look. "I saw a boy with dark hair, straight out of a romantic poem."

Shrugging her shoulder, Suraini said, "Rumour has it that two new boys have joined our year. They both are very close friends, and our dear Chitra fancies one of them."

"You mean Ekaksh and Ravishtha, right?" Medha asked while passing a knowing glance towards Smriti.

A squealing Chitra replied, "Why yes! That guy is Ravishtha. I saw him in our math class today. The other guy is handsome as well, but his friend with that rugged warrior-like face looks more attractive."

Suraini looked at Smriti with a 'told you so' look as the latter blinked her eyes with a soft smile. The girls got up to carry their plates to collect their food from the servers while hearing Chitra gush about Ravishtha.

"His eyebrows.... Arched like a bow. The way they came together while he focused on a sum the teacher gave us." Chitra fanned herself. "It gave me butterflies. I also noticed the veins in his wrists."

Suraini gasped and hit her friend's shoulder. "This observation is borderline creepy, Sakhi."

One of the female servers greeted the girls with a cheerful smile. Chitra waved at her and then turned towards her friends after filling her plate with food. "It's not like I have a chance with him. I will be married to the next rich son of a rich man right after I finish school." Smriti and Medha's eyes looked at hers in sympathy. "But, no worries, because until then I can fill my eyes with his lovely form."

Suraini rolled her eyes at her friend's dream-like expression. Carefully walking with her plate filled with lunch, she commented, "I used to think that if one is rich, one is free to do anything at any time."Growing up, I don't see it so."

Mixing the lentil curry with rice, Chitra simply stated,Being rich and also being the daughter of a very orthodox rich family means that you have to live your life in a golden prison. The only good things are delicious food, fine silks and fabrics, and grand homes and parties to attend." Gulping the first bite of her food, she continued, "My mother has already started to look for suitable proposals."

Suraini stopped her hand in front of her mouth. "No way!"

Medha watched Chitra with wide eyes, while Smriti frowned in disappointment.

"Well, from the household I grew up in, I don't think I can ever trust men and their intentions," said Suraini, grimacing at the thought of marrying a man.

Suraini's mother was engaged in the profession of vaishya. Thankfully, her mother had enough money to let her daughter get a good education at a school like Gyanpith, and Suraini was well aware of her situation, so she accordingly strived to excel in academics to waive off some expenses.

Not many knew about her mother's profession. The girls knew it because Suraini herself had revealed it, and she was confident that she could trust them for it.

Medha, hungry from her class, had already finished half of her food in a jiffy. Tasting the sweet chutney, she smacked her lips to enjoy the sweet flavour and said, "Sometimes, I wonder why our society is so focused on matrimony. As if any human who doesn't choose marriage is bound to lead a very sad life."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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