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"Obey your teachers, study hard, and be a good girl there, my dear Siddhi," Malini patted her daughter's cheek lovingly. Siddhi sat inside a carriage, holding her belongings. Malini had given her a small bundle of food, consisting of her favorite sweets and savory items, to snack on during the journey.

Dressed in a light blue saree, Siddhi munched on a laddoo and kissed her mother's cheek. "Do not worry, mother. I will be a very good girl there. You will never receive any complaints."

The queen of Avanti, Maharani Lakshita, appeared at the large exit gate with another maid who held a copper plate for the aarti, to wish all the children good luck and a safe journey ahead. Lakshita herself put a small dot on Siddhi's forehead and whispered something in her ear, causing the little girl to nod and giggle. Moving towards her eldest son, she blessed him, saying, "May this journey make you a more learned man."

Ekaksh folded his hands and bowed to her. After receiving her blessings, he swiftly climbed onto his horse and waved at all the citizens assembled near the palace gates to bid them goodbye. The queen then blessed Rathish, saying, "Accompany your brother like Lakshmana and be the strongest. May your journey and this new experience bring you more wisdom and understanding."

Rathish nodded and touched his mother's feet in reverence. He sat beside Siddhi in the carriage in case she would start crying later from being separated from her mother. Atop Rathish's horse sat a soldier who took his place near Ekaksh's horse.

Surrounding the city gates were the citizens of Avanti who had assembled themselves to bid farewell to the princes. Ekaksh, being the oldest, bowed down to the crowd and waved his hand at them. The children and teens waved back at him and moved out of the way to allow the small troop of soldiers and the princes to finally start their journey.

Maharani Lakshita stood at the gates as long as her eyes could see her sons on the road until they were out of sight. Sighing to herself, she entered the palace to resume the daily court, conducting political meetings and handling minor cases regarding public disputes. Malini too wiped a small tear away from her eyes and began walking to the palace to resume her work. On the way to the servant's quarters, her eyes landed on the small Ganesha temple. Quickly muttering a prayer for her daughter's well-being, she touched the idol in hopes of a beautiful start to her darling's life.

Nighttime soon crept in, and for little Siddhi, the forest no longer looked beautiful and full of cute deer and squirrels, but rather a dark, mysterious area filled with crooked trees and dark shadows lurking behind bushes. Clutching Rathish's sleeve, she murmured, "Dada, I am scared. What if a ghost snatches me away with him? Maa told me about a scary, ugly ghost who takes away children if they don't sleep."

Smiling at her innocence, Rathish lovingly ruffled Siddhi's hair and said, "Siddhi is a very brave girl, isn't she? If a ghost comes and tries to take you away, you and I will beat him up badly. Okay?" Siddhi blinked her eyes at him and slowly nodded her head in understanding. Nuzzling her cheek against his arm, she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep, muttering, "Good night, mother. I love you..."

Rathish's heart softened for the small child. He gently patted her head until she had fallen into a deep sleep. Parting the curtains, he asked a soldier beside the carriage, "Should we camp somewhere now? Everybody, especially all of you, needs rest."

"Kumar Ekaksh has already planned for it. We are heading towards a nearby riverside where we can pitch the tents, my prince."

"Okay, then," Rathish smiled warmly at the soldier. He leaned his head against the carriage wall and closed his eyes for a brief moment. The sweet fragrance of the wildflowers and the warm scent of moist earth swarmed his senses. The slow sounds of the horse hooves had almost lulled him to sleep when suddenly he felt the carriage abruptly stop.

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