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A week flew by and Year Twelve students settled into their academic routine after a long two-month break. The teachers, since the commencement of classes, advised them to stay disciplined and avoid procrastination for a smooth study routine.

The final-year students received some information regarding their year-end projects for each subject to evaluate their learning. Exams were required for some subjects, while for others, evaluation would be done through group work, discussion, debates, and solo presentations. All the students had engaged themselves in serious discussions about their final evaluation for the first two days since school began. The coursework and other academic goals slightly intimidated Smriti too.

A partially sleepy Ved was yawning, his mouth wide open, causing Smriti to slap his arm. "Cover your mouth and yawn. You wouldn't want flies to enter inside," said Smriti. "Besides, it doesn't look elegant."

Ved, in response, yawned louder than before, making Medha chuckle, which made the former's face brighten up. "Well, elegant manners are for the rich and sophisticated. We are poor fellows; let us yawn in peace at least."

Medha turned the pages of her book, her finger resting over the diagram of a cut-open frog and its organs. Looking at Smriti, she asks, "Do you know that we are going to dissect a frog today?"

"A what?" asked a visibly pale Ved.

"A frog..." repeated Medha once again.

"He is going to puke," commented Smriti, motioning to Ved's disgusted expression.

Glaring at the picture of the frog, Ved said, "I have to touch that slimy little amphibian and to make matters worse, I should cut it open? Why, God?"

An amused Medha replied, "Since we can't cut open humans, we have to cut open a frog because studying their organs is clearer and similar to our organ system."

"We aren't frogs!" cried out Ved.

"Poor boy! May God have mercy on his soul." Smriti poked Ved's cheek. "How can such a pure soul exist after fate defiles his soul by making him commit an evil act such as that of a frog's dissection?"

Ved discarded her hand and huffed. "If I would have known that in my final year, I would cut open animals and study them, I would have taken agriculture as a subject."

"Move aside, students! The frogs are here," announced a man, as he entered the room, carrying a large bucket. The bucket was attached to a wheeled platform, making it suitable to move on the floor easily. The bucket was filled with frogs of different sizes. Ved could bet that some of them were breathing, and were minutes away from jumping on his head.

"If I faint here in a while, be ready to carry me to the nurses," whispered Ved to both the girls near him, who patted his back. "Don't worry, Ved. None of them loves you so ardently that they will jump on you," said, Smriti as she broke into a small giggle.

Adhyapika Madhushree, their teacher for Jeevashastra, entered the class, carrying a tray full of the necessary tools needed for the class. She signalled towards the two men who stood right outside the door and said, "This session will definitely see some students fainting midway and some tiny mishaps like frogs jumping around. These two will assist you all for your first dissection and to take care of other messes."

Medha caught Ved's wary look towards the frog-filled bucket at the mention of jumping frogs. Shaking her head, with a small smile gracing her lips, she shifted her attention back to the teacher.

The teacher took notice of some girls completely grossed out by the frogs. "Do not worry; they are sedated. It would be a rare occurrence if they spring back on you."

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