What are you doing?

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A week later, Felix hadn't seen the neighbor much. He had noticed that he still keeps staring at him and gives him weird looks, but he just ignored it. He also noticed that the neighbor follows his younger sister on Instagram, likes every post, and comments a lot. He didn't understand why, but again he ignored it.

He and Changbin were hanging out in Changbin's room. They were just talking for a while before Felix started to get tired and rested his head against Changbin's shoulder. Soon, he got up to go to the toilet, then went back. They decided to go to the lounge and watch something.

As they settled into the couch in the lounge, Felix decided to ask Changbin if he ever met the neighbor.

"Changbin... You know the new neighbour?" He looked at Changbin, noticing confusion on his face. "Who? I don't remember having new neighbors."

"He lives down the road. He said he was trying to meet his neighbors. I wanted to know if you met him." Changbin thought for a second before shaking his head. "I haven't met anyone."

Felix frowned, feeling a confused. "Weird..."

Felix felt a bit uncomfortable. "Oh well, I'm sure it's nothing."

Felix shrugged, trying to push aside the odd feeling. "I'm probably just overthinking things," he muttered, attempting to reassure himself. But deep down, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right about the neighbor.

They picked a random movie and watched it while cuddling.

After the movie ended, Felix said goodbye to Changbin and made his way back to his dorm.

When he got back, he just fell asleep on the sofa after eating some cereal.

In the morning, he woke up with a blanket on. He saw Seungmin sitting beside him, reading something.

"whatcha reading?" Seungmin jumped as he wasn't expecting to hear a voice and looked at Felix. "Some random book I found. I don't know why I'm still reading it; it's really boring."

Felix hummed in response

"Oh, changbin came over earlier. you left your phone in his room" seungmin said, pointing at the phone on the table in front.

"Hey, Felix," Seungmin hesitated, "do you wanna hang out later?"

"Oh, sure."

They discussed what they would do, and decided to just go for a walk as they were kind of tired.

But Felix wanted to sleep a little longer, so Seungmin went back to reading the book and let him sleep, falling asleep shortly himself.

Felix had a comfortable sleep, and when he woke up, he went to his room and changed his clothes. Minho was still in bed but was awake, and while Felix was getting dressed, they had conversations.

"What are you doing?" Minho asked.

"Me and Seungmin are going for a walk. Though I also wanna go to the shop before coming back."

Minho hummed, "Hm... If you do, bring something for me," he said. He meant it as a joke, but Felix didn't notice and just nodded before leaving the room.

When he walked into the lounge, he saw Seungmin sitting down on his phone with his coat and shoes on.

"It's raining, so if you still wanna go, then put a coat on."

And he did. He put his coat on, then his shoes, and they left.

As they walked, neither said anything. They just enjoyed the comforting silence until Felix saw a shop in front.

"I'll be back, I wanna get Minho something."

Seungmin was about to just wait but decided to go in with him. In the shop, they bought some crisps, drinks (water, flavored water, juice, and fizzy drinks), and some ice cream for Minho. They paid and then left.

It wasn't raining much when they left, and they continued to walk home in silence.


I was going to make it longer and add more details, but I've been busy and haven't found much time to do this, so it might take a while to update. But I won't abandon this. I hope this is enough for now! <3

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