Where'd you go, baby?

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it was cold and foggy felix was wearing gloves that seungmin gave him once he was sitting in the lounge with minho and jeongin they were waiting for seungmin to join them so they can play Minecraft because felix wanted to play woth them
Felix leaned against minho and played with his hands.

"You ok lix?"

He looked up at minho and nodded. He wasnt lying like he usually does he was actually happy.

Seungmin finally joined them and they started playing Minecraft together. they built a small village and were starting to build a ccastle Minho couldn't help but glance at Felix, relieved to see genuine happiness on his face for once.

That was until they took a break. Felix was waiting in the lounge; Seungmin and Jeongin were getting food for everyone, and Minho went to the toilet.
Felix was watching TikTok when he got an Instagram notification on his private account. It said that Changbin posted, he liked the post, scrolled, and continued liking people's posts. Then he saw a post from someone 2 hours ago with a picture of Jisung holding a girl's hand. The caption said, "I'm so jealous of his girlfriend ☹️."

Felix's heart sank as he stared at the post. A mix of emotions overwhelmed him - confusion, sadness, and jealousy. Jisung had confessed to him, and now he's got a girlfriend?

Jeongin walked in to ask if Felix wants anything, but Felix got up and rushed to his room.

Felix ran to Minho's bed and cried into the pillow. 'Everything was going well, and now it's ruined,' he sobbed for what felt like hours before hearing the door open. Minho walked in and sat next to Felix, gently petting his head.

When Minho walked back into the lounge, Jeongin told him about Felix leaving suddenly. He went to check on him and sat next to Felix, wondering what happened. They didn't say anything. Minho decided to let Felix calm down before saying anything. After a while, Felix's sobs became quiet sniffles, and just as he was about to speak, he heard, "Mama?"

Minho looked at Felix, realizing that whatever happened made him regress. Without hesitation, he gently replied, "Yes, baby?"

He sniffled. "Ji said he liked m-me, but now has a girlfriend. Why does he like someone else?" Minho looked confused.

"He doesn't have a girlfriend, baby. Who told you he does?"

"um inga-instagwam." Minho shook his head. "Listen, baby, never listen to everything people say on Instagram; there's a lot of fake stuff on there, okay?"

"B-but he held a girls hand."

Minho smiled at Felix and held his hand. "Does that mean we're dating?" Felix looked at him confused and tilted his head. "We're holding hands. Are we together?"

He shook his head. "See, just because someone holds his hand doesn't mean they're dating."

Felix didn't say anything, just cuddled into Minho and fell asleep.

A couple of hours later, he woke up, no longer regressed, cuddling someone. He thought it was Minho, but when he opened his eyes, instead of Minho, it was Jisung.

He stared at Jisung's face, not noticing him waking up until he feels his hand caressing his cheek. "Hey, Lix."

"W-what are you doing here?"

Jisung smiled, "Minho said you were upset. What happened, baby?"

Felix was quiet, and he looked away. He didn't know how to talk about it, so he grabbed his phone and showed him the post.

Jisung snorted upon seeing the post. "Baby, I don't even like girls... I think." Felix didn't hear the last part. Jisung continued, "It's just a misunderstanding. I like you, Felix, and I don't have a girlfriend. I wouldn't do that to you." He gently cupped Felix's face.

Felix looked at Jisung, a mix of relief and confusion in his eyes. "But who is that, and why would someone post that?"

"That's my old best friend. I haven't seen her in years. We used to be close until, like... I don't know. Anyway, we saw each other, and we were really happy, that's all."
Felix sighed in relief, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. "I thought..."
Jisung pulled felix close "i know and thats ok." He kissed Felix's forehead.

The rest of the time, they didn't speak, just enjoying the comfort of each other's presence. Felix felt a mixture of emotions-relief, happiness, and lingering anxiety-until he fell asleep again.

The next time he woke up, he was alone. He thought the whole conversation with Jisung was a dream and started to cry. His cries started quiet but got a little louder as he got more overwhelmed.

Minho heard Felix's cries from the lounge and rushed in. He sat beside Felix, gently hushing him. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here. What happened?"

Felix sniffled, cuddling into him. "I thought... I had a dream where Jisung was here, and we spoke, and we sorted it out, but it didn't happen."

Minho hugged Felix tightly, reassuring him, "No, Felix, it wasn't a dream. Jisung was here, and you talked to him. Everything is okay now."

Felix was more confused; he looked up, eyes still teary. "Really?"

Minho nodded, "Really. Now let's go get you in the bath; you need to relax." Minho got up and went to the bathroom to run Felix a bath.

After the bath, they went into the lounge and sat on the sofa for about an hour before Minho got a text from Hyunjin, saying that the group is heading to the company to do some dance practice and stuff. So, they got ready and left for the company.

When they went into the practice room, everyone was already inside, sitting down and talking. Hyunjin and Jisung were arguing about who's hotter for some reason. Then, Hyunjin noticed Felix and ran up to him.

"FELIX!!!!!" he jumped on Felix, nearly knocking him over before continuing. "Jisung's being mean, tell him off," he pouted.

Felix sighed, "Hyunjin, as much as I love you, I'm too tired to deal with this right now." And he went to Changbin and cuddled up to him, muttering "comfy" and squirming around on Changbin's lap.

After a couple of minutes, they all got up and practiced for three hours with occasional breaks. They were exhausted, so they decided to go home. Everyone went to their dorms, but Jisung went with Felix to his. They showered and went to Felix and Minho's room, and then went to Felix's bed. Minho was in bed on his phone, resting. He wasn't planning on sleeping; he just wanted to be comfy. Felix and Jisung cuddled silently on the bed, and they ended up falling asleep.

Felix had a dream where he was a mermaid, and he met Jisung, who was a human. Somehow, Felix managed to become human, and they lived together in a small cabin in the woods. Felix woke up in the cabin and heard four voices. He went towards the voices, walked into the room, and saw Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jisung talking. When they noticed him, they all looked, and Seungmin said, "Oh, look, here's the creep." They started laughing at him, calling him names, and making fun of him for liking multiple people. He fell to his knees, crying and begging them to stop.

Then he woke up.

About to fall off the bed, he looked around and saw Jisung asleep, tangled up in the duvet. on the other bed, Minho was sleeping quietly, and with how quiet it was, you could hear very soft snores from him. Felix got up, went to the bathroom, washed his face with water, and realized he forgot to put moisturizer on before sleep. Shakily, he opened the drawer to get it and saw razors. He stared at them for a bit before grabbing his moisturizer, shutting the door, putting on the cream, and walking out.

He went back to his room to see Jisung awake on his phone. Hearing Felix enter, he turned the phone off and smiled.

"Hey, baby, come here."
He held his arms out. Felix went over to him and lay down next to him, cuddling up to him.

"Where'd you go, baby?"

Felix was silent before whispering, "Toilet."

Jisung was quiet; he didn't know why, but he felt like Felix was upset. However, he didn't ask; he just cuddled Felix and slowly fell asleep. Felix stayed awake the rest of the night; he couldn't sleep. He was too worried about the dream. Is that how they would act? If so, he can't say anything; he's got Jisung. He should stop being greedy. But he wanted them all badly and didn't know what to do.

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