Dada and Mama and Lix!

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"Dada? Why did Felix call Chan 'dada'? What's going on?" Everyone was confused; Chan isn't Felix's dad, so why?

"Felix, baby, I'm not your dad," Chan said quietly. "Why are you calling me 'dada'?"

Immediately after Chan said that, Felix panicked. 'Oh god, what did I do? I need to leave.' But instead of leaving, he crawled onto Chan's lap. "You are my dada, best dada ever!" No, that's not what I wanted. His smile was so big that no one confronted him. Instead, they just played along. If he wants to pretend to be a kid, who's to stop him? He's having fun.

While the others were playing with Lix, as he wanted to be called, Minho, wondering why he was acting the way he is, decided to look it up. He didn't know what to search, so he just typed,
"Why is my friend acting like a child?" Then, after seeing stuff about that, "Age regression." Is this what's happening right now? But why, he thought.

Minho kept researching different things about age regression. He didn't really understand, but if it helped Felix, he didn't care. Minho made a group chat with everyone but Felix and sent links to all the information he had learnt, along with the message: "I think this is what he's doing."

Then, he went and joined in with the others. Everything was going great; they were all having fun, especially Felix
However, when Minho went to the toilet with Hyunjin, Felix became jealous. He wanted to be with Minho, so he got very grumpy and started to ignore everyone with a small pout. Everyone was worried; they thought they did something wrong and started to overthink.

Then, Minho and Hyunjin came back. Chan went up to them and whispered, asking what happened. Minho went over to Felix and crouched down next to him.

"Hey, baby, what's up?" he said. He could've sworn he said something different than what he wanted to say, but Felix understood. He just ignored him with a small "hmph."

"Sweetheart, I get you're grumpy right now, but you need to speak so we can help," Hyunjin said. "What's wrong?"

Felix pointed to Minho and mumbled, "Wan him..."

"You want Minho?" Hyunjin asked.

"Min-ho?" Felix looked at Hyunjin with a confused expression and shook his head. "No, dats Mama, not Min... Minho?"

Minho swore his heart just fell. 'Did he just...' Minho thought.

Hyunjin smirked at him before saying, "Lix, he may be 'Mama' to you, but to us, he's Minho. So, he is Minho, just not to you," then he muttered, "I guess."

"Don't understand, just wan Mama, no one else," Felix pouted before tears fell from his eyes.

Minho glared at everyone and forced them all out, except Bang Chan. "Is it okay for Cha- uh... Dada to be here?" he asked, cringing at himself.

"Dada and Mama and Lix!" Felix yelled happily. Minho still didn't understand the whole age regression thing but just ignored it. Felix is happy; that's all that matters. Besides, when Felix is back, they can just ask him, right?

They played with Felix for a while before Felix started getting sleepy. Then, they took him home and tucked him into bed.

"Mama, dat... wan dat," he pointed to his big Dwaekki plushie that his friend made for him. Minho picked it up and put it in bed with Felix. Felix pointed again, "an dat," and pointed to a box. Inside were a couple of dummies, blankets, and other children's stuff.

"What do you want, baby?" Minho asked, looking at Felix with a fond look in his eyes.

"Umm... dinosaur!" Minho looked in the box and found a dinosaur dummy.

"This?" Minho handed it to Felix. Felix nodded a lot, grabbed it, and shoved it in his mouth, giggling. Not long later, he fell asleep, and Minho left, smiling to himself, thinking he did a good job.

When he got to the lounge, he messaged the group chat he made earlier, "We need to talk."

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