Please don't do it.

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The morning sunlight entered the room through the dorm room's curtains as Felix slowly opened his eyes. He didn't mean to fall asleep, but Minho's voice made him. Feeling a mix of emotions from the day before-disappointed from the changed plans with Jeongin but still happy from shopping with Changbin.

He looked up to see Minho asleep; Felix was still in his lap. Felix shifted, trying not to wake Minho, and slipped out of his lap. He walked back to bed and sat down.

Although Felix was happy from going shopping, he felt guilty for going out with Changbin, wondering if Jisun was okay with it. They didn't talk much about it, so he thought it could've upset Jisung.

Today the group were supposed to do something, but Felix forgot what it was luckily it got changed to another day.

For a while, Felix just minded his business, played games, cuddled minho and jeongin (when they were there), drank water-everything was normal. He felt calm, not too upset and not too happy. He got a message from Jisung.

Jisung: hey lixie you doing anything today?

Felix glanced at the message from Jisung and replied,

Felix: Not really, just hanging out in my dorm. Why?

Jisung: Oh, cool! Wanna grab lunch together? I'm bored and idk where anyone is.

Felix: sure! 😊
Felix: where?

Jisung: tbh I just wanna buy something from a shop and just go to a park or smth.
Jisung: unless you wanna do something else.

Felix: no that's fine (≡^∇^≡)

Jisung: ok I'm gonna go over to you in a bit.

Felix: ok! 😊

Felix turned his phone off and went to change clothes, grabbed a bag, put his wallet and a little stuffed animal inside, then sat down on the sofa and waited.

Not long later, there was a knock at the door. He opened it expecting to see Jisung, but instead, there was a man standing there with a friendly smile. "Hello, I moved into a place down the road and I'm just getting to know my neighbors."

Felix smiled back. "Um, hello, nice to meet you."

The man looked Felix up and down with the same smile before turning around and walking off.

'Weird,' Felix thought.

He went to go back inside when he saw Jisung walking down the hallway, looking down at his phone. When he looked up, he looked at Felix and smiled, then walked faster. "Hey, Felix!"

Felix went back inside, grabbed his bag, and the two of them walked to a shop.

"So... How are you doing?" Jisung asks while walking.

Felix wanted to tell the truth but didn't want to bother him, so he just said, "I'm doing great!" He smiled, "what about you?"

They continued to chat until they got to the shop and bought some snacks. Then they went to a nearby park. Normally, the park would have lots of children running around, but there were only 2 kids and one adult he assumed was a parent or something. They walked to the swings, sat down, started to eat, and swung slightly. They didn't talk much, but Felix was comfortable. They sat there for a couple of minutes before hearing the squeaky gate of the park open. He looked up to see the new neighbor from before; Felix wondered if the man even said his name. Felix put the rest of the snacks away, put his headphones on, played music, and swung more, Jisung still eating.

After Jisung stopped eating, he joined Felix, listened to music, and swung on the swing. Felix was very comfortable and calm. Then he felt eyes on him and looked up to in front of him; he saw the neighbor snap his head down to look at the floor. His phone was angled in a way that it looked like he was recording Felix. It made him uneasy. He looked at Jisung, who wasn't swinging much anymore and was watching something on YouTube.

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