Chapter 3: The Truth Behind The Mask

Start from the beginning

I brought a hand to my chin. Hmm... what should I show off first? Ah! Let's go with that!

I sighed as I held out my hand and a glowing silver wristband formed in my hands. I placed it on my wrist and my eyes glowed as my words radiated power, "Lend me your strength... Rika!"

My cursed energy exploded immensely as the much larger and stronger form of Rika formed behind me immediately.

I looked over at her and smiled, She doesn't look as scary as I thought she would. I thought as I I turned to my family, "This here is Rika. She helps me in battle and can copy abilities. She's also really strong herself, too. She's currently physically stronger and faster than myself by a good margin." I said.

Timothy stepped out, "Do you mind if I test out her strength for myself?" He asked as he hefted his sword.

I glanced at Rika and she looked back at me. She placed a tender hand to my face and nodded, "Do you want me to fight, my child?" She asked in a somewhat creepy voice.

I nodded, "Don't kill him, please. I just wanna see how strong you are." I said, placing my head against hers before leaning back as she rose and regarded her new opponent.

She roared into the air, sending tremors through the ground and shaking the foundation of my new home as cursed energy erupted like a volcano around us. In a blur, she had smashed her fists on top of Timothy, who was now on his knees and struggling to hold up her strength and weight even with his Battle Aura activated.

Timothy grit his teeth and pushed before rolling over to the side where he then narrowly avoided a backhanded swipe as he charged towards me.

I grinned, I see how it is. He wishes to test my mettle with one of my abilities hm... "Rika!" I shouted.

Rika immediately reformed in front of me and blocked Britts's attack and I grabbed a cursed tool from her. It was the Playful Cloud. Rika smacked Britts away and roared, "DON'T HURT MY CHILD!"

I charged forward and Rika followed my lead. I smirked as I spun around and shot Playful Cloud out, smacking Timothy's sword out of his hands with the sheer force and power behind the weapon and my strength, which also generated a deadly powerful wave of force that sent out and generated a massive gust of wind forward with so much force that it literally lifted Britts off of his feet and sent him flying through the air.

Timothy spun midair and landed back on his feet, glaring at me now. I narrowed my eyes as my pupils dilated immensely. My breathing slowed as my heartbeat fastened. A wild look spread across my face as my breathing matched in tandem with Rika's. I analyzed Timothy's unrestrained Battle Aura and matched it, perfecting it to greater and better heights than before.

I planted my right foot down and took off in a burst of speed so fast, I was easily traversing at the speed of lightning.

I appeared in front of Timothy as he looked down at me. Although he was surprised, it looked like he was more surprised that I could travel as fast as I did, not so much as him actually reacting to said speed.

I swung out with Playful Cloud as Rika struck down towards him, where Timothy moved to the side of Rika's swing and narrowly managed to avoid my hit by rolling under it. I spun Playful Cloud so I wouldn't end up hitting Rika and looked over at Timothy as he picked up his blade and charged towards me.

I took a deep breath and prepared for Britts as I got into a stance with the Playful Cloud. It was at this moment that my connection to the Shadow Monarch was established as, unbeknownst to me until a little later, my eyes started glowing blue and my sclera turned black as the shadows around me quivered.

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