Chapter 6

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I'm now starting to realize, I should be more kind. I sigh, looking back up at my skylight, getting the small glimpse of the milky way. I could never get tired of that. . . Aikaterine likes it too, but he's a bit upset right now. Grumpy little lad he is, am I right?

I feel myself being pulled into a dark abyss of sleep, and soon I'm drifting in and out of consciousness. Then, before I know it, I'm asleep.

I am now dreaming. I see Aikaterine, in all his serpentine glory. I stare at him, awestruck and fearful. "A-Aikaterine. . .? Am I dreaming. . ." I stutter, my eyes widening. I can feel my breath hitch as he gets close, I can feel his breath.

"You are not dreaming, dearest." Aikaterine replied, a hint of smugness in his tone. Aikaterine's tone shifted to one of slight annoyance. "No hug? No hello, no nothing?" He sounded hurt. "Are you. . .not fond of physical touch anymore, Zuma?"

But, before I can reply, it's morning. I wake up in a cold sweat, looking around frantically. I huff, going to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and. . . My teeth? My canines are. . . Real canines I guess, they're sharp.

Maybe the mirror is wrong. Yeah, the mirror is wrong! "Zuma, breakfast is ready," my mom called from downstairs, "Hurry up or you'll be late for school! I'm not driving you again!" I haven't even changed my clothes! Finishing with brushing my. . . Strange teeth, I have to scramble to get some damn clothes. A few minutes later, I pull out a white polo shirt and a beige, sleeveless, sweater. I tuck the polo's collar out to poke over the sweater, and put on some white pants.

I'm now rushing out of the door, breakfast has slipped my mind. I left my bookbag in my locker at school, so I don't have to grab anything else. Well, maybe my sanity, but i'm slowly losing that as well. Aikaterine is silent, good. I can have a peaceful day at school. Maybe. I stand at the bustop in the bitter cold, it is stinging my lungs, and making it hard to breathe. My teeth are chattering.

Finally! The bus is here. I get on the bus, hanging my head low and going to the backseats. Running my hands through my hair nervously, I look out of the window as the bus starts moving.

Around 30 minutes later when I get to school, I'm always the last one off so people don't trip me. It hurts my ego, even though it's not that big. I get off, and head into school, avoiding large crowds, skipping breakfast, and going straight to my locker.

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