chapter 2.

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I was sitting in my bed, daydreaming out of boredom. I keep seeing him, weave in and out with agility of my mind. I can't see his face. I don't know. . . It is messing with me.

"Ugh! Why do you keep bothering me?!" I say annoyed. "Don't you have some godly things to do or something? Something better than confusing me!" I say as he stops weaving. He is now out of my head and in front of me. Or at least, I thought so. My mom opened the door and he was gone.

"Honey, are you going to eat dinner or sit here and mope?" My mother asks. I haven't eaten in a while. . . I hear a whisper in the back of my mind, "Go, go eat dinner. It won't hurt." Aikaterine encouraged kindly.

I sigh. "Yes mom, I'm coming." I roll out of my bed, going to the bathroom and applying a cold washcloth to my eye bags. I haven't slept either. . . Aikaterine is restless, in turn, as am I.

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