chapter 5

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I think I should have chosen better words, because Aikaterine is pissed. . . Lovely!

He slithered even closer and towered over me now. He dipped his head, fangs bared, tongue flicking, scales shining, all on display, and he knew I was scared.

"Zuma, dearest, why are you being so. . . Rude, for lack of better words. . ?" He hissed quietly. I was shaking in my skin. He could end me if he wanted! "Stay away from me! I didn't want you out in the open!" I exclaimed with a voice crack. Suddenly my mother opened the door and he was gone.

Mother looked quite troubled. . . "Zuma, honey, who are you yelling at? No one is here, right?" She said worriedly. "No mother," I replied, "I'm ok, no one else is here." I lied.

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