Night Market Festival

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Ashe and Enrico were in the market, just as the sun was about to set. They looked at the surroundings, waiting to see the ladies.

Ashe: Are you ready to see her?

Enrico: I'm...I'm a bit anxious. We've been out of touch since I left. Honestly though, I miss her.

Ashe: It's alright.

Enrico: I gotta ask, is Quesinda married?

Ashe: Well, what do you think?

Enrico: For someone like her...she would marry someone rich, smart, and influential. Like: look at me. What chance does some traveling merchant have with a statesman, or a powerful mage, or a renowned doctor?

Ashe: But true love is not determined by status or intellect. It depends on the character, the passion they feel about their special someone, and how can they care, protect, and love them.

Enrico: Sadly, the world doesn't see it that way.

Ashe: You could say that again. But we have the right to live in our own terms. We should call the shots when it comes to our lives. If you start taking the reins, then maybe...the world will change.

Estelle: ASHE! Here we are!

Next to Estelle was Valenciana, still in a leash, and the old flame that reignited Enrico's heart: Quesinda. The latter bolted towards her friend, but because of her careless speed, she trips into a rock.

Enrico ran as fast towards Quesinda. He reached out his arms, catching her right on time.

Quesinda held tightly. She looked up, seeing his Romani eyes and his smile that shined like the sun.

Quesinda: Rico?

Enrico: I missed you, Cindy.

Quesinda embraced him tightly. She longed for the warmth of her beloved, and this day was finally the time she felt it again.

Enrico: are you? (helps her get up)

Quesinda: Doing well. I'm just selling flowers here, nothing that much exciting. You?

Enrico: Me? I've traveled a lot selling porcelain and antiques. I explored many kingdoms, such as Arendelle in the north, then France, England, as well as Corona.

Quesinda: Have you found yourself a family?

Enrico: I couldn't settle down, so that'd be impossible. Well...what about you?

Quesinda: Actually, I—I...I have not married, yet.

Troubadours positioned at the side of the market. The people circled around the center of a wide opening.

Troubadour #1: Hello hello, kingdom of Rosas! We are the Symphonic Fireflies; and as a part of the night market festival's endeavors, we'll play a song everyone can dance to!

The people cheered, excited for the music.



At the side of the dancing grounds stood Amaya, who was raising her hand to gaze upon her mirror bracelet.

Amaya: Mirror, mirror, on my hand, show me the king of this land.

The mirror suddenly warps into a familiar face.

Magnifico: Have you found Asha?

Amaya: No. But I sense something here. Magic.

Magnifico: Oh dear...well, there is one wish I wanted to tinker with—since three orbs have been shining too brightly lately.

Amaya: Well, Magnifico, what if Asha has something to do with this?

Magnifico: How come?

Amaya: She may have been granting our wishes behind our backs. Illegal wishes have now escalated to a hundred already.

Magnifico: What about the Golden-Eyed Evil?

Amaya: We will work on that later. Nonetheless, I hope I am wrong with her. Goodbye, my husband. I love you.

Magnifico: Love you too, dear.

Magnifico's image dissolved. Amaya then walks around the gathering, searching for her target.


Enrico took Quesinda's hand, and they entered the dancing ground. Estelle enjoyed herself too along with Valenciana, but Ashe only stood with a bored look.

Estelle: Come on! Stop missing out on the fun.

Ashe: Not. Interested.

Estelle: Maybe because you look like that. You shy?

Ashe: I'm not interested in dancing.

Estelle: We granted the 100th forgotten wish! We should celebrate! (snaps her finger, and the music changed at the same time)

Ashe felt something off. His body seems to be morphing into something—or someone else.

Asha was back to normal, so was Valentino, and even Stell.


The people looked at the three of them. Stell snaps his fingers again, and Valentino was back to bleating.

Stell: Hahahaha! (embarassed) I wonder who that could be. But the show must go on!

Everyone brushed it off. And the music continued.

Asha: You know what? I'll join (reluctant).

Stell: Well then, may I have this dance (takes her hand and kisses it)?

Asha: Okay, okay...I'm going along (flustered)!

The two danced together like it was the two of them only left in the world. She never felt so much joy in her life. It was as if Hidalgo, Grandpa Sabino, and her parents were there participating in the festival together, but they were just projections. Asha felt lighter on her feet, her heart jumping up and down.

The song ended, and Asha's back was bent towards the ground, with only Stell holding her.

She looked at his eyes. It sparkled, and he was actually blushing like her. Then, Asha chuckled, and started getting up.

Stell: Look! (points to Enrico and Quesinda)

The couple are conversing with one another, with the man laughing and the woman reaching out her hand, leaving the scene together.

Asha: We're done here. Where else should we go? Castle?

Stell: Later with that.

Asha: Anyway, do you dance like this in the royal court?

Stell: Yeah...we do (looks afar wistfully).

Asha: And about a while ago...thank you. For making me happy (smiled).

Stell: Wow! You're finally grinning! You should do that more often; I like your smile.

Asha: Do you want to go to that place?

Stell: What place?

Asha winks at him. Then, Stell finally understood.


Queen Amaya looked at her mirror bracelet, recited the incantation, and her husband finally showed up in the reflection.

Amaya: I—I...I found her. And the Golden-Eyed Evil? I saw him, a guy with starry eyes.

Magnifico: Well is what it is. I shall order the guards to seize them—

Amaya: No. We should not.

Magnifico went blank, widened his eyes, and suddenly got tense.

Magnifico: Why?

Amaya: I suggest we do something different.

Magnifico pondered on what Amaya meant. After that, he smirked, and nodded—as a sign of affirmation.

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