Victim and Fugitive

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Stell: ASHA!

Asha: What!?

Stell: It must be hard for you...but it doesn't mean you have to close yourself to others. You're doing that again.

Asha: I—I...fine.

She told the story in great detail, recounting what happened in the dinner table.

Stell: What you come from, I got that. But walking out from your parents...not that great.

Asha: I can't afford to face them. They might rat me out.

Stell: You sure? I think a really awesome family maintains loyalty if the circumstances say so.

Asha: This isn't one of those.

Stell: Then explain to them who I really am. Just also tell your family not to snitch on me, 'kay?

Asha: You're right. Let's go to my place.


At the castle, crowds cluttered the stage as Magnifico enters with a pizzazz of colorful confetti, blue and green magic, and a shining smile.

Magnifico: A wonderful evening! As a monthly tradition, the wish granting shall now commence!

Everyone cheered.

Magnifico: As such, I will choose the worthy among this excited audience.

He paused, not just for suspense while looking at every person in the crowd, but to also formulate something: an idea.

Magnifico (mind): How can I utilize this...?

His eyes suddenly widened after a few minutes of brainstorming. He stared at a redheaded plump guy, who was bopping his head, closing his eyes, and almost fall to the ground of sleep.

Magnifico: It is your lucky day—or night, rather, Simon!

Simon: Wha-what!?

Magnifico: Come here, Simon!

Simon walked to the stage, however, the crowds were murmuring instead of cheering.

Audience 1: Isn't he one of the apprentices?

Audience 2: It should've been me!

Audience 3: Yeah. It ain't fair.

Simon noticed the commotion. As much as he liked his wish getting granted, he can't help but think; he's already an apprentice, and his wish is just really simple.

Magnifico: Well, what do you wish for?

Simon: Uh...not too much. I just want...a flexible schedule. So I can sleep.

Magnifico's eyes widened. Then his lips posed as if what he heard was cringe.

Magnifico: That's too simple...get a bigger dream!

Simon: But my dream already came true, Your Highness.

The people were shocked, discovering something new.

Audience 4: Does that mean...we can chase our own dreams!?

Audience 5: Then I can finally study as an apprentice!

Magnifico: Silence, please. (looks at Simon) You don't have a big dream? Well, I'll give you much more than sleep!

Simon: But Your Highness—

Green magic came out of his staff. Simon floats into the sky, and his wizard robes reform into armor.

Magnifico: Well, Knight Simon, I have a mission for you. Asha has been kidnapped by the Golden Eyed Evil. Find them, and bring her back safely.

Wish (Girl Sensation's Version)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя