The Starry Surprise

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Night fell, but the castle glimmered across town. People were frolicking and dancing in their best formal wear, Quesinda's red carnations were surrounding the pillars, black drapings embroidering the clear ceiling, and the new chandelier's golden lights brightening the ballroom.

Tomás: Sakina, have you seen her (worried)?

Sakina: No, dear.

A clopping sound became louder as the couple wondered where their daughter was. The goat, in a black and gold suit, bleated in question.

Sakina: Val, we couldn't find her. Gee, where is Asha?


On the coastal outskirts of Rosas, Asha looked at the island—where the tree resided—with pure determination. She did not care about any party at all. Even if it might be an embarassment for her to ghost away, she wanted to be selfish when it comes to finding the answer of her lost link.

Asha: Concentrate.

She put her right foot onto the water. Blue magic circulated around it, causing her foot to not sink beneath. Asha repeated the method with her left, and soon enough, she was briskly walking towards the island.

When she arrived, she climbed upon the tree. Her dress was scratched by the branches and twigs that were on her way, but that did not stop her. As she reached the part of it where she can stand on, she uses a spell to fix her gown.

Asha: Hey Stell...(tearing up) are you there? Sad and alone again... (tries to act happy and carefree) Can I talk to you? 'Cause you know, nothing feels enough for me. Sure, I got here a castle, a title, magic...but you know what? I still can't be happy about it. Hope you're listening.

There was no reply from the starry sky, until...

Male Voice: Go on, I'm all ears.

It startled Asha, so she turned, and a familiar face smiled and ran to her. He then gave the queen a hug.

Asha: STELL (hugs him back)! I missed you!

Stell: I missed you too (parts with her).

Asha: (blushed) How is everything in Nyxis?

Stell: Everything's going great. New constellations have been formed, then we rebuilt the old ones. Yours?

Asha: I opened a school, so everyone can learn my magic.

Stell: That's great! Anyway...(blushing, scratching the back of his neck)

Asha: I still prefer your company rather than hundreds of guests, though. So sorry about my drama earlier.

Stell: It's fine.

Asha: Here, I'll change the topic; did you have royal balls in the sky too?

Stell: Of course. But we do also have a dancing light show, which you would call "meteor showers".

Asha: That's nice. What about auroras?

Stell: Ah, those, it's a special light show by the solar winds.

Asha: Do you attend the aurora light shows?

Stell: I'm required to. Sometimes they're impressive, others were like...meh...

Asha: Hahahaha...(blushes)

Stell: I also gotta confess to you something (reddening face).

Asha: (blushing harder) W—what is it?

Stell: Actually, you were someone I never expected to all.

Asha: Oh (butterflies fly in her stomach)...

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