~Chapter XVII: The First Cinematic Record of Michaelis~

Start from the beginning

After recieving whereabouts from the manor from Madam Red, Ciel's aunt, the two stood in front of the charred manor which had once been the Phantomhive estate. Ciel trembled, staring at in in shook.
"This...is quite dreadful," Sebastian stated.
The boy walked away to the side of the manor.
"Young Master?"
Sebastian followed him, till they reached a rusted gate, pushing it open to reveal a small Phantomhive cemetery. At the front, lay three fresh graves. Vincent Phantomhive, Rachael Phantomhive; in the middle of the two, Ciel Phantomhive. The boy let out a soft sob, collapsing onto his knees as his shoulders wracked with sobs.
Sebastian watched him. With his own current situation, Sebastian could hardly handle those names that Ciel cried. This would be the first and last time I heard him refer to his parents thus. Sebastian turned away, leaving to tend to the state of the manor.

As evening dawned, the butler returned to the child's side.
"Young Master, the sun will set soon. The night air will be harmful for your health."
Ciel stood," There's a place nearby which is both a pub and an inn, let's go there for the night-"
"No," Sebastian raised his finger," There is no need for that."
Ciel raised an eyebrow as the butler lead him back to the front entrance of the manor. It was as if the great travesty of the Phantomhive household had never happened. Everything was restored. Even the lights in the house were lit, ready for their usual evening job.
"This can't be..." Ciel shook his head.
"I swore to you, did I not? I will not lie to you."
"H-how is this even?"
Sebastian led him up the stairs," I am a butler to an earl. It goes without saying that I can manage something of this level. And an earl must live in a grand 'castle'."
Sebastian gently pushed the doors open, revealing the familiar home Ciel had left.
"Come," Sebastian held his hand out," This is your castle from this day forth."

"HOTTT!" Ciel screamed.
The boy glared at the demon in the bath as he thrust a bucket of scolding water onto him.
"Who in their bloody right mind would pour boiling hot water on someone without warning!? A least check the temperature first!"
"I beg your pardon, sir," Sebastian frowned, glancing at the water," I will take more care next time."
The demon swiftly grabbed the boy's body, scrubbing him down furiously with a smile.
"Now, if I may, I shall bathe you, sir!"
Ciel smacked the demon's hand away.
"That will do! Don't touch me! I've had enough! I'm getting out now!"
"What are you saying," Sebastian frowned," You are still mired in filth. I will not stand for you dropping dead suddenly from an infected wound or some-such."
Ciel thrusted the water at Sebastian, hitting him square in the face.
Sebastian bowed, dropping wet," As you wish."
The butler left the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He growled, squeezing the water from his hair, his eyes demonic.
"That damn brat."
There was a loud crash, his eyes widened. Sebastian swiftly entered the bathroom. Ciel lay on the floor, the bath tray beside him spilled over. The demon rushed over, helping the boy to his feet.
"I simply slipped while trying to grab a towel..."
Sebastian sighed, steadying him," You must be exhausted from all that has happened today. Allow me to wash you down."
Ciel smacked him off," I said NO!"
Sebastian seethed, swiftly grabbing the boy firmly by his cheeks, applying pressure as he pulled him in close.
"It would do to keep your obstinacy in check. Humans are frail animals. You can readily lose your life from one puny germ finding its way into the tiniest of wounds. As a child who cannot even see to his own injuries, please do not see fit to waste my time."
Ciel sighed, frowning. Sebastian went on his knee to dry him off with a towel, the butler hesitating as he heard a strange gargling.
Sebastian stifled a laugh," Humans hunger most disgracefully under any circumstances."
"Be quiet..." Ciel blushed, glaring away.

The Earl sat at the table, as Sebastian smiled.
"Then, if you will excuse me."
Ciel raised an eyebrow at him, when he looked back the table was adorned with a lavish feast to serve a while banquet.
"Please, eat your fill of whatever you fancy," Sebastian smiled," We have spiny lobster sauté and roast turkey. Sticky toffee pudding and fairy cakes. I shall serve you anything you like."
"Yes sir?" Sebastian leant gently with tongs in hand, to plate anything he picked.
"Don't ever do anything like this so casually in the future."
Sebastian frowned," Why is that?"
"An ordinary butler simply doesn't rebuild a manor house in the span of one night or have dinner prepared at the drop of a hat. If anyone else catches sight of you doing such things, it will arouse their suspicion."
"Then I should do everything step-by-step as mere humans do?"
"I'm not telling you to do it all to the letter, but at the least pretend you are. Average people can't make anything without necessary materials and time."
Sebastian clapped the tongs together with a sigh," How troublesome..."
It seemed being in a new world full of humans and strange rules would not be easy for Sebastian as he thought. In fact, Britain made him slightly homesick.
"You are my butler, aren't you?" Ciel scoffed," Do as I say."
"Understood sir," Sebastian sighed, passing him a plate of food.
Ciel picked up his fork, putting a bit in his mouth. He coughed, covering his hand over his mouth in disgust, swiftly grabbing a wine glass and chugging down the liquid.
Sebastian frowned," Oh? Is it not to your taste?"
"It's oily, spicy...and salty..." Ciel shivered.
"Ah, after having spent so much time in a place like that, this menu must have been too rich for you, young master. Perhaps risotto or-"
"Forget it," Ciel stood," I'm going to bed."

The Earl lay awake in bed, contemplating over the events. There was a soft knock on the door, and it opened, the demon walking in with a tray on wheels.
"I have brought you some warm milk," Sebastian stated," You must at least have something. I am aware there are many obligations you must see to from tomorrow on in order to become a splendid family head who will restore the earldom."
Ciel turned away," I don't want it. I'm sure it tastes awful, anyway."
"I have only heated up the milk. I did not add anything to it. I cannot speak to its taste. Would you care for some?"
"...Is there honey in it?"
"Please, add however much you want."
"Old man Tanaka used to scold me, saying I'd get cavities if I had honey before bedtime."
"Then I shall follow suit from tomorrow on."
Sebastian gently handed Ciel the cup. The Earl gently blew it, sipping softly. His expression softened. When he finished, Sebastian took it off him, setting the cup back on the tray, wheeling out.
The butler glanced behind him.
"The warm milk...was good."
Sebastian blinked, before smiling, satisfied.
"I'm glad to hear it."
"And one more thing..."
Ciel's soft demeanor snapped, his expression cold and stern.
"I won't forgive you if tomorrow's breakfast tastes as foul as what I had earlier this evening. I don't much care to live on warm milk for every meal like a puppy."
Sebastian smiled, but the happy aura around him shattered.
"Very well...goodnight, young master."
Why that little bloody knave!

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