~Chapter I: How it Became~

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Ciel stared at a newspaper, scowling.
"In other words," He glanced at Lau and Ran Mao, who was currently having tea with him," You're saying they are reviving the dead there?"
"That's about right," Lau shrugged, Ran Mao sniffing her soup, skeptically.
"Unfortunately," Ciel frowned," I'm not really into an occult-"
"And what if that's not an occult?" Alois hummed.
"Karnstein hospital," Lau hummed," Down at the black docks the Earl has left me in charge of. They seem to be doing a lot of shopping."
Ciel scowled," Drugs?"
"No," Lau ate some salmon," People. They come shopping for foreign slaves illegally. The amounts are quite unusual."
Sebastian poured Lau a refill on his tea," So there is a possibility that the revival of the dead is occurring as a result of illegal human experimentation?"
"That's right."
"If that is the truth," Ciel tapped the table, contemplative," We certainly have a problem. Removing the thorns from the rose in advance will prevent hurting your hands in the future. Sebastian, investigate immediately."
Sebastian bowed," Leave it to me."

Lau frowned," I thought you suspended your butler from work, since."
Ciel held his hand up to silence Lau.
"That is a sensitive topic," Alois frowned," Mind your manners at the table."
"How long has it been?" Lau tilted his head.
Sebastian shifted, pouring the tea a little more uncomfortably.
Ciel thought for a moment,"No more than about two months, I suppose?"
"No signs of consciousness?"
"Nothing, just breathing."
"A 'comatose', correct?"
"I suppose you could call it that."
Alois flicked the fork," She's always been prone to things like that. When she was much younger and a sickly child, the girl would faint practically every day. Once she was unconscious for two days. But two months? Well, it's unheard of. That child couldn't even fake sleeping if she tried it."
Lau leaned on his hand," I heard from a little birdie that her soulmate from another world is here?"
"Yes," Ciel sipped his tea," You remember Zero, do you not?"
Lau nodded," Hm, vaguely."
"That's his sister," Ciel stated," As we speak Malice is in that room, doing who knows what."
"I thought her body was placed in your home?" Lau turned to Sebastian.
"I had to take Hikari with me," Sebastian stated," In case she woke up."

Malice sat in the still room, thrumming her finger on her leg. The entity stared at the unconscious child, who lay in the bed; with soft breaths.
"I came to see you," Malice frowned, trying to fill the awkward silence.
Hikari continued to sleep, unresponsive. Malice felt herself grow slightly agitated at the unresponsive child. She stood up, scowling.
"Stop pretending...wake up..."
Hikari did not wake, she did not even slightly stir.
"I know you can hear me," Malice clenched her fists," What you're doing isn't fair to them. A temper tantrum? For two months. Give it a rest."
Hikari did not move.
"I've only met your father once before," Malice frowned," When I returned you home, because I upset you. He seems caring, Hikari. Don't hurt him like this... it's not his fault that they..."
Malice felt her throat tighten.
"I know you're sad..." Malice grimaced," I am too, but...you can't do this...You can't just throw tantrums until they come back... that's not how it works..."
Hikari did not respond, nothing about her unconscious state changed, not even slightly.
Malice got cut off, a door opening. She blushed slightly, embarrassed, as Sebastian walked in; smiling softly.

"Are you okay?" Sebastian hummed.
Malice nodded, meekly.
"That's good," Sebastian smiled, stepping over to the bedside.
The demon pulled a small flower out from his pocket, neatly setting it into the full vase.
"67..." Sebastian sighed.
Malice tilted her head, confused.
"67 flowers," Sebastian smiled, sadly," Each day, I put a new flower in for her; since the third day of her being unconscious. 67 days add three days, seventy days... that's how long she's been..."
Sebastian glanced at his daughter, sadly.
"Those seventy days have been torture...the longest days I've ever felt..."
Malice frowned, sympathetically," I'm so sorry."
Sebastian smiled, weakly, shaking his head as he turned to look at her," No, no, you shouldn't be. Hikari's always been...sick. I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner. I started to forget how bad it used to be, but now, now I remember."
Malice felt bad towards Sebastian, and slightly annoyed at Hikari for putting him through that. Sebastian drew a short breath.
"Malice, I do hope you will not be offended by this, but I believe you have every right to know. I do not know you very well, but I did know your brother. I want to protect you. Not because of Zero or you...but because..."
Sebastian frowned, trying to figure out how to explain.
"Because it's my only chance of saving her."
Malice nodded," I understand."
"You're a good girl," Sebastian smiled, touched," A very sweet and considerate girl. Zero must have been very lucky to have had a sister like you."
Malice smiled, sadly.

Ciel stared out of the window in his study, frowning as he impatiently tapped the side of his arm. He sighed.
"I have returned."
Ciel glanced behind him," That was fast, as always."
The Earl coughed, startled.
"What's with that outfit-!?"
Sebastian stood in a doctor's outfit, holding a clipboard; pushing up his glasses.
"As they say," Sebastian held up his finger," When in Hydropolis do as the Hydropolians do."
Sebastian glanced down at the clipboard.
"Moreover, I have obtained some rather interesting information."
"According to a nurse, Karnstein hospital have opened a secret association called Aurora Society. Their motto is: 'The complete salvation for the mankind through medicine'. They collect donations from nobles, and hold presentations for the results of their experiments regularly. However. Unfortunately, I could not find any trace or evidence of the slaves."
Ciel frowned," As expected, we will have to search within the Aurora Society itself."
"Yes," Sebastian nodded," Just about that. Their next meeting is scheduled on the 17th of April, on a passenger ship departing from the South Devildom port."
Ciel scoffed, tapping his finger on the table, impatiently," Meeting on a ship. Even for nobles that is-...On the 17th of April?"
Ciel gasped.

Elizabeth held the Earl's hands firmly, beaming.
"I will go on a trip with my family in April. For three weeks, starting from the 17th of April. We'll be travelling all over the entire world on a luxurious passenger ship! I wondered if you and Alois could join us?"

Ciel slammed his hands on his desk, standing up.
"What is the name of the ship!?"
Sebastian glanced back at the clipboard," The Majestic Star Line's luxury-- 'Campania' cruise."

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