~Chapter IX: Hit and Wounded~

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As the ship's side collided with the iceberg, water flooded in the bottom of the ship, and the Campania swayed, unstably.
"The jet-black seas sprinkled with twinkling stars!" Grell hummed, romantically, thrusting her chainsaw into zombies," Are being dyed in shades of my beloved rosy red! This setting! It just begs for me to play the heroine! Tonight promises to be a fabulous evening!"

The Midford's gasped, glancing around, startled by the sudden movement.
"Wh-What's going on!?" Edward cried.
Lady Midford scowled," What was that quaking just now!?"
Sebastian groaned, sweating," It cannot be!"
The butler burst into a sprint, running out onto the first class deck, Edward followed. The two noticed the shattered ice chunks on a lower deck. Edward glanced back, spotting the iceberg in the distance.
"Don't tell me we just ran afoul of that!?" Edward roared, leaning on the railings.
Sebastian rushed away to the wheelhouse, where the captain and his crew lay dead. The butler frowned, furrowing his eyebrows in a panic as he searched the control panel.
"To prevent the ship from taking on water...Ah, yes! Watertight doors...here we are."
The butler swiftly twisted the lever to the right, a ticking hum rang out as a display panel showed where the watertight doors closed. Three were not.
"There," Sebastian sighed," Now we should be able to avoid taking on too much water for a while. Still, I never imagined the crew would all be dead...tonight promises to be a ghastly evening."
The butler did not sense the zombie at the door behind him, groaning. It roared, sticking its tongue out reaching for him. Sebastian swiftly turned around, scowling as he threw his fist at her face with a smash.

Ronald frowned, glancing back at the wheelhouse, where he'd heard a loud smash.
"No averting your eyes now!" Grell snapped, smiling out, dreamily," Come on...you need to feel it too!"
Grell stood at the edge of the boat front, her arms out spread as Ronald held her behind. It looked like a familiar romantic pose to take at the front of a boat, icebergs also felt bizarrely familiar.
"This briny ocean air!" Grell hummed," I feel like I'm being caressed aaaaaaall over!"
"Uh..." Ronald deadpanned," Mister Sutcliff, sir...?"
"A sky full of stars! A luxury liner! There could never be a more perfect stage for a great diva to spread her wings onnnn!"
Ronald frowned," Is this some new method of hazing an underling-?"
"Ugh, really!?" Grell pouted," How rude! What, you think I wanted you for this part!? I was hoping for a hunk, not a brat like you!"
Ronald frowned, thinking of Sebastian," By 'hunk' you mean-?"
Ronald glanced away with a sigh. No, having him loaf on the job would be bad, so better to keep my mouth shut.
"Nevermind," Ronald mumbled.
"Uggggh," Grell groaned," This is so not doing it for me with you as my partner! Stop, stop, that's enough!"
Ronald yelped, before shaking his head with a sigh," Anyway, we totally don't have the time for this kinda thing."
Ronald opened his book, marking off all the recently harvested souls.

"Tim Loomis. Born October 8th, died April 20th due to heart failure. Alan Foster, born September 21st, died April 20th due to heart failure. Nick Beaton. Born June 24th, died April 20th, same as above. Helen Ross, born May 17th, same as above. Same as above. As above. We've still got 1,034 souls just like this to go! And they ordered us to investigate the moving corpses on top of our usual duties, slave drivers, all of 'em!"
"Hmph!" Grell puffed her cheeks," Don't whine over something like that. To us grim reapers, reaping souls is the absolute. So have your little snoop around when you have a minute to spare from reaping."
Ronald deadpanned," I'm surprised you can say that when you're just coming off a suspension. So carefree..."
"Oh, do be quiet!" Grell swatted her hand, dismissively," Let's get this over with already so we can head back! I can handle doing overtime when Will's got it in for me. But I've had quite enough of suspension, thank you very much!"
Ronald grimaced, the two walking back inside the ship," Yeesh, both options are the pits, if you ask me."

Ciel jumped, glancing behind as they hit a tremor.
"What was that tremor just now!?" Malice grumbled.
Before anyone could answer, water burst through all entrances of the lower vessel, spraying all over them. It was salty. Malice grimaced, trying to withstand the current, but it was stubborn. A loud, whining alarm rang throughout the enclosed room.
"This alarm!" The worker roared," It means the watertight doors're closing!!"
They watched in horror as the watertight doors slowly but surely tried to close. The worker rushed over, pushing people in, quickly.
"Hurry!" He roared at the group, shoving Ryan in," Else you'll get locked in!"
Ciel gasped, turning around. Lady Elizabeth was behind, trying to wade in her dress; Malice trying to hurriedly help her forward.
"Ciel!" Malice roared, choking a little on the salt.
"Wait!" Elizabeth cried.
Ciel gasped, the worker grabbing the Earl under the arms and trying to rush him to safety.
"It's too late lad!"
He wriggled free, Ciel wadded over to Elizabeth and Malice as the doors shut.
"Ciel, why!?" Elizabeth cried.
"I promised I'd protect you without fail, didn't I!?"
Elizabeth gasped, he stared at her determined. Ciel grimaced, knowing Elizabeth's gaze too well, tugging his hand away. Right, he had a fiancé.

"Snake!" Ciel yelled at the watertight door," You go on ahead!"
Snake pounded on the door, tears pricking the corners of his eyes," I CAN'T POSSIBLY LEAVE YOU HERE!...Say Emily."
Malice clenched her teeth, glancing upwards at a balcony.
"Don't worry about us!" The entity yelled," We'll use the duct to escape!"
Ciel yelled," Your friends shouldn't be in cold water for too long, isn't that right!? Now go!"
Snake gasped, glancing at the snake wrapped around his neck. Snake thrust the serpent up, letting it wrap around the ducts above him.
"SMILE!" Snake yelled," KEATS WILL GUIDE YOU THROUGH THE DUCT! So, let's meet later!...Says Emily."
"Yes!" Ciel nodded, trying to wade through the water's current," Later for sure!"
Ciel pushed himself up, clinging to a railing.
"Quickly, you two!"
Malice nodded, before glancing over at Elizabeth," First, you need to take those clothes off!"
"N-No!" Elizabeth shook her head.
"Don't be selfish!" Ciel snapped," You'll never get through here with that ridiculous skirt o--"
"Absolutely not!" Elizabeth yelled," I want to stay cute in front of you until the very end!"
Ciel seethed, he jumped down, storming over and tugging the back cords of Elizabeth's upper garments.

"CIEL!? What are you doing!?" Malice screamed, blushing, covering her eyes.
"If you die here!" Ciel seethed," You'll never be able to wear your favourite clothing again! I'd you die, that really will be the end! The end of everything!"
Ciel stared at the earl, slipping off her dress to reveal a small, thin, white dress she had below. She frowned. She hardly recognised him anymore.
"I'm...sorry..." Elizabeth covered her arms, hiccuping with small sobs.
Ciel's eyebrows knitted, he gently put his waistcoat over her arms with a sigh.
"I'll have Nina make you a new dress. One that's even lovelier than what you're wearing today. So please-"
"No, Ciel," Elizabeth shook her head," I'm sorry for being selfish."
"I'm sorry I was so rough with you. Now let's hur-"
Ciel cut himself off, coughing. Malice frowned, startled.
"Ciel, are you okay?"
"It's nothing," Ciel wiped his mouth," I just choked on some water, is all. Now hurry up and start climbing!"
Elizabeth stared at Ciel, sympathetically, before nodding, weakly.

A wet hand gripped the side of the boat, pulling themselves up

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A wet hand gripped the side of the boat, pulling themselves up. Sebastian panted, his shirt slightly unbuttoned and clinging to his skin, from the ocean. He panted, pushing himself back up onto the third-class deck. I only took a glance, but the cracks to the hull are extensive. Sebastian picked up his waisjacket, going back into the wheelhouse, running his fingers through his wet hair. That means there's three- no... He rolled out the floorplan of the ship onto the table four compartments that must be fully flooded. Sebastian swiftly thrust his right fist backwards, hitting a zombie square in the face into the wall with a bloodied crunch. Sebastian wasn't even slightly fazed, his eyes never leaving the map as he scowled. The volume of water that a ship can take on is equivalent to the mass of the vessel. In which case... Sebastian paused, water from his hair dripping down.
"Oh dear. What have we here?" He muttered, aloud.

Blood splattered onto the cushions of a sofa, Grell groaned, flicking the blood off her death scythe.
"Ugh! There's just no end to them!" Grell pouted, glancing back at Ronald," How 'bout we stop doing this now?"
"Well," Ronald thought for a moment," True enough. There's no point in battling these things one by one."
"That's what I'm sayiiing!"
"'Cos this ship..." Ronald smirked," Is going to sink..."

"...In less that an hour," Sebastian frowned, flicking the water off his chin.
Sebastian sighed, snapping his pocket watch shut and slipping his pocket.
"The water temperature is roughly two degrees centigrade."
He firmly tightened his tie.
"Being in the water overlong will affect their health."
Sebastian tightened his glove.
"I must go and collect them at once," Sebastian stated, thrusting his waistcoat back on, as he made his way to the door with a stride.

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