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The next day at Scotland Yard, Elizabeth found herself in front of the bathroom mirror, the fluorescent lights casting a sterile glow. As she stared into her reflection, the mundane surface of the glass seemed to ripple, and the image of her younger self emerged. The echoes of distant memories accompanied it, a cacophony of shuffling noises, yells, and gunshots.

"What is happening?" Elizabeth questioned aloud, her voice slightly trembling. The disorienting sounds overwhelmed her, and her ears rang with the haunting echoes. She reached for the cold water, snapping herself out of the disturbing vision. The younger self disappeared, leaving her with a sense of disconcerting déjà vu.

On the bathroom sink, the walkie-talkie she had stolen the day before had caught her attention, its intermittent beeping breaking the eerie silence. Elizabeth picked it up, her fingers tracing the familiar contours. She tuned into the incoming message.

"Body found at Brixton, Lauriston Gardens. Presumed 4th Suicide—"

The message hung in the air, the weight of its implications settling on Elizabeth's shoulders. The serial killer had striked again. Her mind raced with thoughts and deductions. Something was different this time. She pocketed the walkie-talkie, the cool metal offering a reassuring anchor, and left the bathroom, stepping into the bustling chaos of Scotland Yard.

Officers rushed past her, a sense of urgency evident in their hurried steps. The anticipation in the air crackled as Elizabeth spotted Sergeant Sally Donovan approaching Detective Inspector Lestrade. Intrigued, she quickened her pace to join them.

"What's going on?" Elizabeth inquired, her eyes shifting between Donovan and Lestrade.

Lestrade's expression was guarded, the lines on his face etched with the weight of the unfolding events. "We've got another one, Elizabeth. This time, it's not like the others. This one left a note."

"A note?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. Unusual, why would the killer leave the note there? Maybe he didn't notice?

Lestrade hesitated, stealing a glance at Donovan. "I'm going somewhere first, then I'll join you at the crime scene."

Elizabeth sensed the tension in his words. He's going somewhere she wouldn't like to hear.

"Donovan, take Elizabeth with you, I'll catch up with you both."

"But I don't know where-" Donovan started to speak.

Lestrade hurried out of the building, leaving Donovan with her unspoken question.

"Well Elizabeth I guess that leaves us to find out-" Donovan turns around to find Elizabeth gone too and she sighs.

"Seriously?" She scoffed before turning to find out where she needs to go from another officer.


Elizabeth pulled up to Lauriston Gardens in a cab. The blue and white crime scene tape fluttered in the wind as she stepped out of the vehicle. Swiftly, she pulled the tape over her head, disregarding any formalities, and made her way towards the building.

The atmosphere outside Lauriston Gardens was tense, with officers and forensic teams bustling about. Inside the building, she navigated through the echoing halls until she found a room adjacent to a large staircase.

Entering the room, she spotted people donning blue jumpsuits, preparing for their forensic duties. One man, with an air of arrogance, turned to look her up and down. His gaze lingered a moment too long before he decided to speak.

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