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I started laughing. I know it's rude of me to laugh at a person who needs mental help, but all this crazy stuff he said...

-Helen, you have to believe me, danger is everywhere. We have to be careful, he assured me.
- I'm sorry, I really want to believe you.
- I'll explain everything to you... at least I'll try. When a god and a human being unite, they sometimes have children...; he started, but I stopped him immediately. ;
-god and human being?; I asked.
- You must have heard many stories about the Greek gods. Those stories are real.; He said. Then I understood everything...he is completely crazy. What kind of Greek gods?
- You are the daughter of one of those gods, he tried to explain to me, and I tried not to laugh.
- We should get off at the next stop.; he said and stood up. He started walking towards the door, but I remained sitting.
- What are you waiting for?; he asked.
- It was nice to meet you, but I'm moving on, I can't go with you.; I tried to explain to him so as not to hurt him.
- You don't believe me!
-I belive you! I just can't go with you.; I lied again, even though I hate lies. But there are times when you just have to agree. Like this one for example.
- My mission is to bring you to the camp. It is the order of the gods.; he said and went to the driver. I hoped that they would finally leave me alone, that he would go on his way. When we stopped, he got out, and the driver got up and came to the lady who was sitting in front of me.
- I apologize for disturbing you, but have you ever noticed that something is missing?; he asked. The lady started checking her things. People around were grumbling that they should start moving.
- My bracelet!; the lady suddenly cried.
- We will have to examine all passengers. Your bag please.; he asked me. I handed him the bag, I have nothing to hide after all. Suddenly he pulled out a bracelet from a compartment that I didn't even know existed.

I tried to explain that it wasn't my fault, but the driver didn't even listen to me. The next thing I knew, he kicked me out of the bus.

What will I do now? I grabbed my head and watched the bus leave without me. I was left in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't do anything but sit on the floor and cry. I probably would have done that if that crazy guy from the bus hadn't appeared next to me. He! He must have been ordering something to the driver, so he kicked me out.
- I think we really have to go, we have to arrive before nightfall. Monsters attack more in the dark.; He said. It's the last straw. Normally I'm not a violent person, but at that moment I lost control. I pushed him away with all my strength. He hit the floor hard.
-WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?; I scolded myself, although I immediately repented. What's wrong with me? I attacked him for no reason, out of pure anger.
- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted like that.; I apologized and offered him my hand. At that moment, my gaze escaped to his legs. What the hell? His legs were not human, but... goat's. It's over, so I'm completely crazy. I stared at his feet as I lifted him off the floor.
- I'm a satyr. That's why my legs are goats. Also..; he explained as he removed his cap. Horns? I couldn't believe my eyes anymore. Is this another one of my weird dreams?
- Can I touch them?; I asked not thinking how bad that sounded.
-Of course!; he replied and moved closer to me. I touched them. They were real, but that's not possible. How could that be possible?

- I believe that you are very confused now, but it is important that we go to the camp as soon as possible; he asked me.
- Just...give me a moment please. All this is new and strange to me.; I stopped. My head was bursting with pain. It was as if the world had stopped spinning. All this was too much for me. I could no longer distinguish between what was real and what was not. Could it be that my brain is playing tricks on me? Like some disease, like all this is just happening in my head.

-We really have to go, I'm begging you, you have to trust me.- Grover pulled me out of my thoughts.-Alright. I believe you. It's not like I have any other choice.
We walked in silence, through a forest.
- I'm sorry that they kicked you out of the bus because of me, but it was the only way to get you here.; Grover stopped and fell silent.

- I'm sorry for pushing you.; I also apologized.
-I understand you. I would be scared and wouldn't believe myself.
- How is it that camp?; I asked.
- All the demigods are safe there. And there is room for everything.; Grover explained.I just nodded my head. I started to believe him. I don't know how to explain it...but I feel like I can trust him. He is not like other people I know, he is different, like me.
-Who do you think your parent is?; Grover asked.
- I'm not even sure who comes into the possibility.; I answered.
- Is your human parent your mom or dad?; he asked.
- That was my mom, I guess.; I replied. I could see on Grover's face that he got sad when he heard the 'WAS' part. He didn't say anything, so neither did I. Now that I think about it, this even makes a little bit of sense. The reason my dad was never there for me must be because he's a god. At least I can take solace in that.

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