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I've been having these nightmares lately. I hate them, there weren't that many of them before. The last two weeks I would say. They're getting worse and more real, and it's driving me crazy. Two nights ago it seemed so real that I saw a monster in front of me when I woke up. A monster similar to the ones we learned from Greek history, those mythological creatures. It was standing right in front of me. I screamed, so loud that the monster turned to dust. I screamed so loudly that people from the next room came running to see what was happening to me. What a shameful situation. I was so scared of those dreams that I started seeing them even when I'm not sleeping. For example, yesterday I was in the library and I turned to my right side. I saw a monster similar to the one from my dreams. I quickly looked away, and when I looked again, a woman was just standing in that same place. You're probably now suspecting that I'm out of my mind, and I've been thinking about that possibility. But I hope that is not the case. Then I would have to go to a psychologist, and that would mean that I would have to open up to someone. I hate that more than anything, when I have to tell someone something about myself.

Last night, last night was the strangest nightmare. It wasn't so much scary as it was confusing. I was hanging from the cliff, there was some strange shield in my hand, I couldn't really see it properly. Someone was holding my other hand, that person was in the clouds. I couldn't see anything that could tell me about the person. I was afraid, I was terribly afraid. It didn't even seem like a dream. Suddenly, lightning struck. I'm not even sure if it was lightning. I just know I heard something like thunder. At that moment I woke up. The light was coming through the windows. It was morning. I quickly changed my clothes and went to breakfast. I was aware that this was my last breakfast here. Breakfast was as usual. Two spreads, a cup of cold milk and bread with which you could break someone's head or drive a nail into a tree. After breakfast, I went upstairs again and collected my things, my two suitcases. I went down to the yard and the school principal was standing there. It's not nice to say that a woman is ugly, but if I had to choose who I'd rather see late at night, her or the monster from my dreams, I'd choose the monster. She was still smiling at me from a distance. I find it disgusting when someone forces themselves to smile. If you don't want to smile, you don't have to, but at least you don't have to overdo it.
-Helena, dear, we are so honored that you made us so happy with your presence. And I am so sorry that you are leaving us so early.; she said. I just rolled my eyes.
- Helen, my name is Helen, not Helena.; I answered. Something I hate most in this world is lies, and she lies that she is sorry for that I have to leave. Another thing I also hate is when someone calls me "Helena", if you're not going to call me by my real name then don't call me at all.

I got on the bus. I sat on the left side, next to the window. I looked at the school one more time, for the last time I hope. I saw Professor Wilson in the distance. He was pushing himself in his wheelchair. I probably didn't mention it, but Mr. Wilson is in a wheelchair. I was always kind of sorry to see him being pushed around. It seemed to me that he was in a hurry. I wonder where he is in a hurry at this time. The bus started driving. I felt some relief, as if I was leaving a great fear behind.
We drove for about half an hour, when the bus stopped at the station. A guy got into the bus. The bus was quite empty. I hoped he wouldn't sit next to me.
- Is this place available?; he asked. Come on man, out of all these free seats he has to sit right next to me?
- You can sit down.; I said moving my bag from the seat next to me. The drive will last several hours, I really don't know how I will survive.
- I am very glad that we finally met.; the guy next to me said. What?
-Me too.; I only answered so that it wouldn't come across as rude.
- Chiron told me about you. Are you nervous, I don't think you should be. ; he spoke, but nothing was clear to me.
- I'm sorry, but I think you confused me with someone.; I told him hoping he would leave me alone.
- It's me Grover. Chiron must have told you that I would take you to Camp Half-Blood.; he continued to speak.
- I don't know anyone by that name. You must be looking for someone else.; I said and started to get up. I certainly won't spend the rest of the ride next to this madman. Speaking of a girl who sees monsters around, you'd think for sure. But at least I'm not this crazy
.-Helen wait...; he took my hand so that I wouldn't move to the other seat.
-How...how do you know my name?; I asked in shock and disbelief.- Because I was sent here to protect you and bring you safely to the camp.; he tried to explain to me, but I really didn't understand anything, not because I didn't want to, but because I couldn't. I just looked at him blankly. I sat back down.
- I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are or why you're here, but I assure you that I'm not going to any camp. I'm on my way to the orphanage, the only home I know. I've never heard of your friend. I hope you find the person you're looking for, but I assure you it's not me. You're just wasting time.; I replied, trying to be as calm as possible. I didn't want to make a scene.
- Chiron should have told and explained everything to you. I don't understand why he didn't do it. Always everything a poor satyr has to do.
- I'm sorry, but I really don't know who it is.
- Then let's start from the beginning. I'm Grover, I was sent here to get you to camp safely. Camp Half-Blood is home to all the demigods.; he began to explain. This guy is a lost cause. I can admit that I'm crazy, but this guy is twice as crazy as me. What kind of camps and demigods is he talking about.
- I don't understand anything you say.; I answered.
- That's why Chiron should have explained everything to you first. This may sound a little strange, but you are a ... demigod.; he finished.

CHANCE | luke castellanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora