"Hell no," He whispered. His eyes closing.

She learned something very important today. Vallen lost all thought when she nibbled on his ear.

He was about two seconds from tossing up her skirt again when she rolled to her side so she could study him some more.

"I swear you have to be using your spells on me."

"No, but I can understand why you might think that. I feel like there's a few controlling me, too."

"If I don't see you, then I go crazy. Then if I see you but spend too much time with you, I go crazy. I can't win."

He finally looked at her. "Do a spell. Stop this from happening to us."

"I want this to happen."

He groaned.

She reached for his hand and laced their fingers together, holding on when he would have pulled away.

"Believe me, you don't. I'm the one who killed your were, remember?"

She was instantly filled with pain, but she didn't let go of his hand. "My mom told me she walked many lives and in all of them, you killed him. The ones I was with him and the ones when I wasn't. I imagine that if I was with him, I'd been very loyal to him. I imagine I would have loved him very much because just in the brief time I got to spend with him, I loved him a lot. It would be the same way with my other lifemate, I'm sure, and that's why my mom hid him from me. Two boys I could have been happy with. Two boys I could have made a full life with and I would have been loyal to them until the day I died because that's who I am. But." She kissed their joined hands. "I believe with all of my heart that the moment I met you, no matter who I was with, if there was none of my mom's spells to keep us apart, I would have felt you and wanted you. Conway is right. We have a bond that can't be underestimated."

She brought his hand up to her lips and pressed a kiss to it again. "There's no fighting it. It's consuming and scary as hell but thrilling at the same time. Vallen, you found me when you shouldn't have been able to. You brought me back from the dead when you still hated me and still couldn't decide if you wanted to kill me or not. You'll never know how much I wish Carrigan and Shayla were here. How much it hurts to know he is gone, but even if he was here, if I had to choose between you and him, I would choose you. Bad attitude, wrong choices, and all."

"I should have killed you when I had the chance. That day at the cliff when I killed Pike, I think I still could have done it then. If not then, then definitely before I killed that damn fancy peacock and was punished. That's when things started going sideways. Nothing seems easy anymore. Nothing seems clear anymore."

Still clinging to his hand, she moved closer to him. "Tell me about it, Vallen. About the punishment. About the lives you had to live."

"Why? So, you can_."

"Because I want to understand you better."

"You want a fairy tale. I can't give you that."

"Fairytales are all G rated, and that's not what I'm wanting with you." She smiled and moved closer. "I just want you to share a small piece of yourself with me."

"I don't like you. Not even a little. I damn sure don't understand you." He reached out with his free hand and ran it through her hair. "You have sand in your hair and a big red mark across your forehead. And this is you on a decent day because the dress you're wearing is of this century and is only one color."

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