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"Vallen." She reached for him. Her eyes searching him for any injuries. Her hands trying to touch him everywhere. "Are you okay? Where did they get you?"

"I'm okay."

He looked okay, but her mind couldn't seem to understand that. They'd been all over him. Clawing and ripping at him.

"I'm okay. It wasn't real, remember?"

"Are you sure? Conway, call Julio. Call the new doctor. Never mind. I'll_."

Vallen caught her hands and waited for her to look up at him. "I'm okay."

She nodded and tried to calm down.

Seeing Conway watching them, she got upset all over again. "What were you thinking? What if he couldn't find me? I can't believe you were going to leave him there."

"In my defense, he left me very few options."

"You could have been sending him to his death." She growled.

"I chose to trust in his confidence that he could find you." Conway took a sip of his tea. "I learned something very important today. Not to underestimate the bond between the two of you. There should have been no way he could find you, and yet he did."

Vallen grunted from behind her.

"Now, can you take him and leave? It's been a very tiring day."

Him asking her to leave and not demanding to hear about what she saw gave her pause. That's when she saw that his office was a mess.

Overturned tables and chairs. Broken vases.

She winced. The older man was very particular about his things.

It would be really smart to get these two out of each other's company. She said a spell to clean up as much of the mess as she could, then she did another spell that would see her and Vallen to her house.

To her room.

She looked at Vallen because he'd just noticed where they were, too. "In case you want to pick up where we left off."

He looked sick at the thought. "Not going to happen. Can you try to remember you're a virgin?"

"No one says I have to remain one."

"Me. I do."

"What would be the fun of that?"

When she took a step towards him, he took two away. "That's it. I'm out of here."

With a spell, she shut and locked the door. "Why can't we just be together?"

"You know damn well that won't keep me in. I told you. I can't do that without marking you, and I'm damn sure not ready for that."

She did a spell, and they both ended up in her bed. Nevaeha looped her arms around his neck. "Would that be so bad?"

"Hell yes."

Her lips found his chin.


The way he said her name electrified her. His voice, husky like that, stirred her desires. "Can we at least make out some more?"

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