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She sat down, refusing to go any farther. This place was too crazy, even for her. A diamond on her finger the size of a marble?

Not ever going to happen. Right?

It wasn't even just the ring. It was the feeling that came with the ring. Pure animalistic hate. Rage. A thrust for blood. Who wanted a fancy wedding ring that represented evil?

And now this.

The closer she got to the boy standing in the distance, the more feelings she got from him.

And that wasn't just a boy standing in the distance. He was one of her lifemates.

Her last lifemate.

Once upon a time, she'd be dying to get to him and see who he was. Dying to learn everything she could about him.

Now she was afraid to get any closer.

Any closer and Vallen might hunt him down and kill him.

Nevaeha looked his way again. He was just close enough to make out a vague outline of a guy. She couldn't tell you if he had blond hair or black. She couldn't tell you if he was tall and thin or built like a rhino.

But she could feel him.

All those warm feelings she'd always felt around Carrigan.

All those warm feelings that were mild compared to some of the feelings she's experienced with Vallen.

Yeah. He was over there making out with a wolf somewhere and she was here, afraid to get too close to a lifemate because it might upset him. Might bother him, maybe even hurt him.

Right. The same guy who banned her from his land. The same guy who would give up his high school education just so he doesn't have to see her.

Climbing to her feet, she started marching back towards where she'd seen the wolves. He and that ho wolf were getting a piece of her mind.

How dare he touch someone else?

The beautiful whore witch she caught him with was before their kiss. She'd give him that one, but by God he was not touching any more women.

Over her dead_.

She narrowed her eyes as he came to be standing in front of her. He looked pissed.

"Don't you look at me that way. This is all your fault. Getting all cozy with that....that wolf. Do you see me walking closer to my lifemate? No, you don't. I'm walking away from him. That's what you do when you're in a relationship with someone else. Me right, you wrong."

He looked around them. "Where is he?"

Nevaeha growled. "You don't get to be pissed. I didn't go to him. I don't even want to know what he looks like. Meanwhile, you've been having play time."

Her voice dipped, and her eyes filled with tears. "Why are you even here if you want her? If you're going to love her?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

She crossed her arms. It didn't matter at all if this Vallen didn't know what the other Vallen had done to her. "You love her. I felt it."

"You're about as looney as anyone I've ever met in my life. I'm here, so you don't get your ass killed. I swear you don't know how to take care of yourself any better than an infant. You're certifiably insane. I don't love anyone, and I never will. Now do whatever you have to do to get us out of here so I can go back and kill that damn witch doctor for being foolish enough to think you can handle all this shit. Twice, I could have killed his ass today. Now he knows he can't defeat me without the whole town standing behind him. Twice, I could have ended him, but I didn't for you and now I have to listen to all this bullshit? I thought we decided you wouldn't go on any more fool's errands without me."

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