Her eyes widened. "Conway? Is he okay?"

He grunted. "Didn't I just say he is?"

"You didn't kill him for me?" Her arms went around his waist and she held him as tight as she could. "That's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me."

"I've met more humans with better survival instincts_."

Nevaeha touched the red powder across his forehead. "Vallen? You came for me? How did you find me?"

He held her at arm's length. "You can't hide from me. Now where is this fucking life_."

He came for her. Found her when he shouldn't have been able to. He saved her life. Twice. He wasn't making out with that wolf, at least not yet, and he didn't kill someone for her.

She threw herself back at him. This time kissing him.

She kissed him with every bit of the new feelings she's been feeling.

He thought about pushing her away for about half a second, then he was kissing her, too.

It felt like years since he's kissed her. Touched her. She tangled her fingers in his hair in case he thought about escaping.

When his lips found her neck, she felt like she'd go up in flames. She tried to get closer to him. "Vallen."

He growled. "Wrap your legs around me."

She's never heard a better idea in her life. She did just that as his lips claimed hers again.

She didn't know much about the opposite sex, or about making out, but when he laid her on the ground and came over, breathing hard and his eyes blinded, she knew enough to know he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

Purring his name, she brought him closer again. Her legs going back around his hips, her fingers lost in his hair again.

She arched her neck as his teeth nipped her and drew blood. She moaned as he did it again and again, then his lips found new skin to feast on as her gown was pulled down low over one shoulder.

For someone who'd never kissed a lot before her, he was really really good at it. So good she didn't know how she was going to handle it when he got to all the stuff he's been doing for years.

It was going famous until he reached for the buttons of her gown. Realizing what he'd been about to do, he groaned and rolled away from her.

Nevaeha rolled onto her side so she could watch him.

Today he wore black denim jeans and black biker boots. A steel grey T-shirt that had rolled up sleeves. His deep brown hair was getting longer and was slightly messy because of her. He had a handsome face. Had a body that a girl couldn't help but want to touch. Muscles, but not so big he was bulky. Even with his eyes, brown now and not hazel, were unusual because of the green ring around them. When those eyes were focused on you and only you, they had the power to melt you.

As long as he wasn't shooting fire at you.

Add desire to those eyes and she was lucky she wasn't in a puddle at his feet.

He was definitely out of her league, and yet he wanted her. At least for a few moments, she'd made him want her. That was an enormous accomplishment for a little town girl with zero experience and very little finesse and looks to fall back on.

He looked at her with a frown, so she smiled.

"I must have pissed off all the gods in a past life."

"I don't believe that. Everyone gets a clean slate in every life."

"Then why in the hell were you thrust into my life after I was finally getting a chance? A clean slate? Then why did I end up with a father like mine? I'm telling you the fates are out to get me."

"I don't believe that either." she said softly. "I'm sorry you didn't get delt a good life, but this life isn't over. You can still have a good one."

He wanted to call her crazy. She could see it in his eyes, but instead, he threw an arm over his eyes and groaned.

"I should warn you. My ancestors, except for my mother, as far as I know, were all a bunch of harlots. The bunch of them. Lovers all over the place."

His arm dropped, and he sat up. "Are you threatening me?"

Her eyes grew round. "Threatening you? I'm just warning you, I might have a hard time keeping my hands off you. I think about it a lot these days. Touching you. Kissing you. Think about you a lot, period."

"Damn it, Nevaeha, don't tell me that."

"Why not? It's true."

"Because you just don't tell guys that. Especially one who was seconds away from undressing you."

"That's what I'm telling you. I wouldn't have stopped you. From undressing me or from marking me. I'm starting to have feelings for you."

He was shocked. Stunned. So, she used the opportunity to straddle his hips and kiss him again. This time shyly, then she leaned back so she could look at him.

"You're crazy."

"Yes." She kissed him, then looked at him again.

"And I might be crazy too, since I'm lying out here in a fucking make-believe desert two seconds away from tossing up a witch's skirt."

She smiled. "Maybe."

This time, her kiss was teasing. Playful.

"Nevaeha, what in the hell is that?"

She looked back over her shoulder, expecting to find that damn ho wolf, but it was the crows headed their way.

"The fog that usually tries to kill me. Here it's crows."

Nevaeha climbed to her feet, and he did the same. "Where's your clay ball?"

"My what?"

She looked at him. "Conway didn't give you a clay ball so you can get back?"

"He gave me some tea to drink."

Her eyes narrowed. "He was going to let you be trapped here if you couldn't find me? Oh, he's getting it. They are going to attack me. I need to see if it's different from the other times. As soon as you see things aren't going well__."

"The hell they are."

Her mistake was thinking they were going to attack her. They didn't. Within moments they were all flocked around Vallen. Not just attacking him, they were trying to kill him. They couldn't think of anything but the sand soaking up his blood.

She reached into the blackness engulfing Vallen and found his hand.

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