Fates Metamorphosis

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- In which Craig Tucker's life takes a sudden turn -

Today was the day his mother would be boarding the space-craft.

The day after Christmas was a hive of activity not only for the Tucker family, but for an entire crowd with thousands of people waiting for the ship to depart down to Earth. The President was issuing tasks for certain jobs and delivering speeches towards the crowd of what they were going to achieve, standing up on the podium with military, astronauts, and scientists organizing materials from behind. Despite the excitement surrounding the departure, Craig remained as foul-tempered as ever as he stood with the crowd and alongside his family members, scowling viscously the entire time with his arms crossed in a fit of irritation.
His older cousin that had gotten the 3D printer saw this and decided to comment on it, which unluckily earned her the side of his personality which was mostly obscured by teenage angst.

"I think you should be happy for your mom, plus when she's back you and Tricia will be able to go to college for free." She said as she clapped her hands together with the crowd as an award was handed out.

"I don't care to go to college." Craig grumbled back and kept his arms crossed together, rolling his eyes and sighing heavily at the thought of more schooling.

She stopped her applause immediately to pinch his ear. "Is that any way to speak towards your elders?"

"Gah! No! Dude you're literally nineteen, by no means is that considered old!" He argued back as he yanked her arm off angrily, pushing it away then rubbing his harassed ear after she was jerked back.

She looked like a scolding mother from his peripheral vision, yet looked even scarier as he turned to face her. She was furrowing her brows and taking the authority she thought she had over him; which most of the times she did.

"And you're seventeen, try fighting me when you can legally vote." She protested, lip curling into a sneer as she went hands on hips.

"I'll be able to legally vote in February, don't underestimate me." He rebutted, shoving his knuckled fists into his pockets.

And with that, he ignored his eldest cousin and instead turned to keep his eyes fixated on the stadium at which the President spoke at, fully aware the whole thing was being broadcasted on live television. He had been woken up this morning not by his two cousins, or his mother, but by something much worse; his aunt. Laura Tucker's sister was possibly one of the most irritating people to walk any planet—  or space station to be exact. She was volatile, a pot of boiling water ready to spill over itself, and she had the cackle any other middle-aged woman would dream of, which that usually means it's bad, especially when she came barging through Craig's room at seven in the morning to rush him into getting dressed. Although the woman's unique way of waking someone up was to whack them with a wooden back scratcher, the boy had resolutely ran to the bathroom and showered to escape the abuse.

And now here he was, only one individual amongst an entire crowd of strangers, that's at least if his other twelve family members weren't present.

And annoying.

"Well, maybe once you can legally drink.."

"Not even you can legally drink."

She laughed all knowingly and fierce before she turned to look at him. "I'll make sure to take note of that."

My Tears Are Becoming a SeaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz