Losing Track

147 4 14

TW: Talk of case, Language.

By the end of the day and you were assigned your hotel room, and you were thoroughly exhausted. You made your way up to your room and when you walked in all your stuff was already up there.

The room was small, and smelled stale. You had your room next to Morgan and Prentiss. You could lightly hear her moving around and shutting cabinets or drawers.

You sat on your bed a took a deep breath. Something felt off. Your head had been bothering you all day and you could feel the way your gut was wrenching at the thought of food or any drinks.

After resting for a moment you got up and headed to the bathroom for a shower. The water was warming up and you started to strip. The steam from the shower was warm, making you feel a bit better as you stepped into it.

In the middle of your shower you heard a loud thud that startled you. Looking out the curtain, you heard it again. You found no cause and moved on. You finished up and then grabbed your towel You finished up and then started looking for your hair brush in your bag.

Weird. You must've forgotten it. It must still be at home.

Instead you just ran your fingers through it lightly and going into your room to grab some clothes. As you were looking for them you smelled that same smell from your apartment. Maybe something that you used for your clothes washing was changed.

You grabbed a t-shirt and some sweat pants out of your go bag and sat in your bed going over all the case details.

As you were reading you noticed something all these girls had in common and after about another hour of going over it you decided to go speak to Hotch about it, knowing he was still awake.

Opening the door and walking down the hall at a quick pace, as well as looking at the file still, you didn't realize you were about to come into full force contact with someone.

You braced your hands up against the shoulders of someone much much taller, as he grabbed your waist also trying to keep you both from falling.

"S-Sir I'm so so sorry. I really need to pay more attention." You said looking up at him.

His hands were firm. and still very much so on your waist. You felt your face flush slightly.

"Its really unprofessional for us to keep meeting like this" He smirked slightly letting go of you finally and stepping back.

"So I was going over the case file and I think the most common factor of the girls is they all had routines. which means that our UnSub was stalking these girls and they had no idea." You looked up at him and noticed he was watching you intently.

He seemed so much closer to him than you originally thought you were. Why was he so close?

"You should really take a break, y/n" He glanced downward then to the case in your hand. "Go get some sleep."

All you were able to do was nod your head slightly and walked back to your room. Your head felt hazy after that interaction. WHY was he so...calm?

At some point during the night you fell asleep reading the case file.


You woke up with arms wrapped around you. He was breathing lightly against the back of your neck and you smiled slowly turning over.

He smiled lightly as he pulled you into him.

"Good morning." He said in a raspy-ish voice and rubbing small circles into your lower back.

"Good morning." You snuggled up against him and kissed his neck slightly.

"Y/l/n...you know that's not a smart idea."

"Mmmm...oh well." You smiled against him as he flipped you onto your back.


He was kissing you slowly as you held him and pulled him closer to you.


"We have a case my love, we need to go." He looked down at you.

"C'mon Aaron...just a bit longer?" You smiled sweetly at him

*beep beep beep*

*beep beep beep*

You woke up startled and sat straight up.


You slowed your breathing and looked to your side.

"What the fuck-"

Why did you just dream about...Hotch. Your boss. In YOUR bed.

Standing up and grabbing your clothes for the day you walk into the bathroom. Cold water was the fastest and easiest way to wake yourself up. So you cupped some water and wiped down your face with it.

There was a very loud knock at your door.

"One moment please."

Another knock.


You shook your head and then walked to your door and opened it.

"Oh um- Hotch..."

He looked you up and down.

"Are you ready for the case?" He smirked at you lightly.

Where are you? Are you still dreaming?

"Uh yea...?" You walked past him shutting your door and then walking towards the elevator. You watched him as he was by you.

He was very calm. Well of course he was, he didn't have a highly romantic or intimate dream about you last night. You shook your head and tried to just go about the rest of the day without losing it.


After the case was solved and everyone was back on the jet and taking naps before arriving back in to Quantico, you had your eyes on him. You couldn't help but ask.

"So i heard you were seeing that girl from the club?"

He looked up at you slightly with a unreadable expression.

"Do you want me to be seeing her Y/l/n.?" He said with a light smirk.

Of course. He was trying to get the upper hand on you, answering a question with another question. He wanted you to fold and you weren't gonna.

"Don't do that to me Hotchner. You know better." You smirked playfully. This was gonna be fun.

"Do what?"

"Answer my questions with questions. you don't scare me, and your not gonna get the upper hand on me just because I'm being curious." You leaned your head back.

"No." He leaned forward closer to your seat. "I'm not seeing her. As much as Reid thinks he knows things. I was actually talking to my friend about the girl I am actually interested in."

Wait. So he does have a girlfriend. Why do you care...none of your business anyways, so why did your stomach drop?

"Lucky gal," You muttered.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing. Just don't get how someone could stand you." You said waiting for a harsh reaction.

"You would be surprised at how I am outside of work Y/l/n." He leaned back in his chair man spreading as he waited for your next quip.

"Is that why your so cocky?"

"Perhaps." He watched you closely. "You know its really unfair that you get to ask all the questions. Let me ask one."

"Shoot." You smirked.

"What made you scream my name this morning? That wasn't very smart..." He lifted his gaze to you.

"E-Excuse me....?"


Mutual Pining (Aaron Hotchner x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now