Small Talk

170 4 9

TW: Language. Drinking.

"Actually coffee is said to be originated from Ethiopia But by the 16th century it was known in Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey." Reid's voice was the first thing you heard when you walked off the elevator. He was more than likely arguing with Morgan or correcting him.

"Ah pretty girl has arrived." Penelope said as you moved over to you desk.

"Morning pen." You smiled at her sleepily.

"You know, the whole point of yesterday was to sleep and come back refreshed." Morgan said to you as he read over a case file.

"Yes Derek, I'm well aware. Just had a weird interaction yesterday and didn't enough sleep"

You were sipping your coffee leaning back a bit. Penelope looked over at you.

"Weird how? Are you okay?" She looked a little concerned.

"Yea, but have any of you ever like...seen or been around Hotch outside of work? I ran into him, literally, at the grocery store yesterday and he seemed completely differently from when we do group hang outs or any other time I've been around him outside of doing cases." You looked over at Prentiss and she narrowed her eyes at you.

"Y/n, have you never seen him in public before? You've been on the team for almost a year." She commented.

"Yes I'm aware I have Em. He's also been using my first name. Like we were working the case this weekend and he used my first name and was like...Starring at me." You kept rambling on and then Penelope tapped your shoulder. "And to me it just all feels- Sir!"

Hotch was looking at everyone in the bullpen and then looked directly at you.

"All of you need to get back to work. Y/l/n,  last I checked you had a nice stack of case files that needed to have finished paperwork. By tonight." He said from the balcony before walking back into his office.

You starred at the wall for a moment. You heard Prentiss and Morgan laugh slightly, followed by Garcia. Rossi walked out of his office and looked at you all.

"What did you guys do to Hotch?" He said smirking slightly.

"Y/n here, wouldn't stop running her mouth and...wellll lets just say Hotch had been standing on the balcony for about a minute." Reid smiled and looked over to you.

"YOU KNEW HE WAS STANDING THERE?" You said choking on your own words slightly and shooting a glare at him.

"What? You didn't hear his door open?" He smiled innocently.

"Reid...I-" You stopped. "Jerk"

"Hey! I am not."

You all started laughing slightly and Rossi made his way down to you guys and you all started working on finishing up the rest of the paperwork.


The day continued to drag on. Soon enough, after hours of paperwork, most everyone had already left by now. Except you, Reid, and Hotchner.

You were sat at your desk and then heard shuffling near you and looked up to see Reid packing up his belongings.

"Well. Good night Y/n, see you tomorrow." He walked towards the elevator as you nodded and smiled lightly at him.

"Night Spence."

You smiled to yourself turning on some music as you worked. You turned it up and immediately started swaying.

Come on Eileen was the first song that started playing. It made you happy. So as you were picking up the files, about to bring them to Hotch's office, you swayed and danced slightly by your desk, to the beat and enjoying yourself feeling at peace for a moment.

You made your way up to Hotch's office, humming to yourself. You knocked on his door and waited. A muffled "Come in." was heard from the other side of the door.

"I finished the rest of those files." You said walking in and setting them on his desk.

"Good." He didn't look up. You waited for a moment to see if he would say anything but he didn't even really notice you were there.

"Need something Y/l/n? Or do you like what you see?" He finally lifted his gaze ever so slightly to meet yours.

"S-sir? Uh no sir. Have a good night."

You walked back down to the bullpen in a slight hurry. That look he had-

Focus Y/n. You grabbed your bag and took the elevator down to the ground level and then made your way to the garage and finally headed home.


9pm. Friday.

"You guys! come one lets dance!"

Penelope had invited the team out for some dancing and drinks. As usual you were dancing with Emily and Pen while the men sat a safe distance away only to observe.

"You ever stop to think about how awfully protective they all are." Emily said leaning over to you.

"Derek is here for drinks and girls. Spence is here cause he likes being around the team. And Hotch...honestly I don't know why Hotch always comes. But he always keeps a close eye on you Pretty girl." Penelope chimed in looking to you at the last part of her sentence.

"Hes just doing this protective dad type thing. I'm convinced Hotchner is all bark no bite when it comes to us." You smiled at Emily's words.

You kept dancing and talking with the two of them before getting a bit tired and walking back to your table. You looked up to see Derek, Spence, Hotch, and....wait who is that?

A girl with darker hair was stood beside Derek and Hotch. She kept looking at Hotch and laughing at whatever he was saying.

"Whats funny?" You grabbed your drink and downed the whole thing in one motion.

"Oh um...Who is this?" She glanced at me smiling a bit to widely.

"Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n. FBI." You gave her a fake smile. "So what was so funny?"

Your head felt fuzzy, like it was starting to fog. Your mouth felt slacked and you could assume you were slurring slightly.

"Oh Aaron was just telling me about an experience he had." She said resting her hand on his arm.

"What kind of experience." You smirked.

"Oh uh-" as she spoke Hotch interupted.

"You should drink some water Y/l/n."

You glared at him for a moment. You didn't want water. You wanted to leave.

You didn't like this girl. for one she came out of no where. And for another she was looking at Hotch like he was food.

"Aaron is so funny sometimes." You looked at the girl and the back to Hotch. You were slightly surprised to see him already watching you.

He had a look of warning.

"Well enjoy your small talk lover boy." You said to Hotch before looking over at Derek. "Tell the girls I wasn't feeling well. I will see the rest of you Monday."

On that note you walked out of the club and called a cab slowly getting in and telling the driver your address.

You don't know why but that girl made your skin itch and your blood feel hot. Maybe that was the vodka talking, but you knew she was fake and for some reason you felt as if you were owed something from her.

The look on Hotch's face as you walked off. It wasn't angry, but his gaze seemed awfully dark.

Mutual Pining (Aaron Hotchner x reader fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang