Relax and Sleep

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TW: Language. Talk of case.

Hotch's POV:

The way she does everything, how she holds her self, how she walks vs. how she walks when shes tired.

The way her jaw slacks when shes thinking about something to hard. How she zones out when she's overthinking.

She focuses on cases with so much effort and understanding I'm staring to believe she works about as much as me. No. Not possible.

"Hotch? HOTCH?" Morgan came into my line of vision.

"Yes? Sorry I'm here. Just really tired" I answered. "Need something?"

Morgan looked at me confused for a moment. I couldn't quite tell what he was trying to profile off me, was he questioning me or was he worried?

"You zoned out for a good bit. Making sure you hadn't died sitting up."

I glared at him for a moment.

"I'm fine Morgan, just need some coffee." I said as I got up.

She was sitting with Reid and Prentiss. Her hair slightly falling in her face as she leaned against the wall of the jet taking what I could assume was the best nap shes had in a while.

I could tell she was beyond sleep deprived right before we caught the UnSub.

I walked to the back of the jet and grabbed some coffee to help me focus on anything but her.


Regular POV:

You don't remember exactly when you fell asleep but you can remember bits and pieces of a dream you were having right before Reid woke you up.

The team was finally done with the case in Colorado and you were all finally home. It was Sunday. It was 12am...but 12am Sunday. Which meant you could go home and get the well deserved sleep you most definitely needed.

What was that dream about again..? Doesn't matter.

You made your way to the parking garage and to your car. You felt like you could've passed out right then and there. All the hours spent working that last case was gonna end you if you didn't get home within the next hour.

You took a deep breath and started the engine and slowly but surely made you way home before 1am. It was 12:56am. If you could consider that "before 1am."

You walked up the stairs to your apartment, unlocking the door and setting all your stuff down. You groggily made your way to your room and started sifting through drawers for some comfy pajama shorts and a over sized t-shirt.

Finally, you could lay in YOUR bed and get some proper sleep.


Hotch POV:

I got home and placed all my stuff down. Thinking about the case I sat down with a glass of rum and went over everything in my head.

When did this happen? This keen observing of Y/n.

I finished my drink and finally went to bed.


Regular POV:

3pm. Sunday afternoon.

It was like you had been killed and brought back to life. All the tension in your back had gone and your eyes felt like they were gonna float out of your head entirely.

You sat up in bed and looked at the time. Holy shit. It was already 3pm.

'Lets not waste anymore of the day' you thought to yourself before getting up and throwing on a pair of jeans.

You started cleaning up around your apartment. Around 5 you decided to rest for a bit and watch a little bit of TV.

After watching TV you had to run to the grocery store so you grabbed a hoodie and some boots and then headed towards the door.


After a bit of walking, and thinking, you finally made it to the small grocery store down from your apartment.

You walked around grabbing a few quick and easy foods and then some ingredients for actual nice fulfilling dinners. As well as a bottle of wine.

As you were walking you looked at something to your left before almost coming into to contact with someones chest. You stopped and apologized.

"I'm so sorr-" You stopped and looked up. "Sir! I- sorry." You stepped out of the way. It was Hotch of all people.

"No need to apologize Y/l/n." He smiled slightly.

Hotch? Smiling? That's the last thing you thought you would ever see...even if it was just a minor smirk.

"I should've looked ahead of me too....I'm sorry." You said to him looking down slightly.

He wasn't wearing his normal attire. He was in jeans and a t-shirt with a light gray hoodie over it. You trailed your eyes over him for a moment. He was tall and lean yet still very fit and very toned. It was strange to see him in such normal clothing. Instead of "Hotch" he just seemed like "Aaron" in this moment. No one would've even suspected he was an FBI agent.

You suppose that because you've only ever seen him as your boss you kinda forgot that...he was just like you outside of work. Informal and laid back. Relaxed.

"Did I lose you?"

His voice pulled you out of your trance and you looked up at him. This was the closest you had ever been to him. He was a lot taller than you remember. Almost a foot taller.

"No! Sorry. Just...still tired I guess." You said feeling you face heat up from embarrassment.

"Well go home and get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow 8am sharp." He nodded with a lighter tone of voice.

"Y-yes sir. Right." You said still processing what interaction you just had.

"Have a good night Y/n" He smiled.

HE SMILED?? Fully smiled? And there it was again. Y/n? When did you and him get onto and first name basis?

You walked home with your groceries completely confused.

Why was this so different from all the times you and Hotch spoke?

You needed more sleep than you thought.

Mutual Pining (Aaron Hotchner x reader fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora