April's Diary

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This Diary is The Property of April Stone


March 5th, 1983

          I don't understand why we moved here, not just this town but this house! It's not that I'm mad, because, if I'm being totally honest... my life was NOT going great in Texas. I'm glad to have a diary so I can document things from the beginning, or I should say, new beginning. I'm a little excited but also very nervous and kind of scared.

          But like I was saying, I don't get this house. It's toooo biiig! There are a million rooms that we don't need at all and TWO bathrooms, which is nice... but still!

          I do like our new address though, 44 Lantern Lane, reminds me the 1800's. And mom said I could do my experiments in the basement which is really cool because I'll have complete privacy and Trixie won't be complaining about the smell. (Sulfur smells really bad) but I don't get how we can afford a place this big. Dad said it was a really good price but I don't see how.

          Anyway, I don't even know if I want to be doing experiments anymore. If I'm going to change things and be a new me, maybe I should stop doing the same old things I used to do. Nothing back home was working for me. Anyway I'm tired from unpacking and the trip so, goodnight. Hopefully I can write more tomorrow because I think there's about a million things I forgot to say!

March 6th, 1983 (3:32 A.M!!!!)

I can't sleep! First it was all the excitement but now that everyone else is sleeping, I just can't fall asleep. I have this terrible cold feeling in my stomach and I can't get it to go away. I also don't like the view from my room. In the daytime it was nice, I like the woods, they're calming in a way. But now all I can see are the outlines of trees and beyond that it's totally dark. If someone was there I wouldn't be able to see them at all. The thought alone is enough to keep me up!

          Also, Cherry keeps whining. I went to see what was wrong with her but she's just lying there on the kitchen floor, crying. I don't think she's in pain so I don't know what's wrong. I'll ask mom about it tomorrow. I'm gonna try to sleep again, hopefully this time it will work! Goodnight!

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