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Angelica could feel it, the electricity in the air as she sat next to Luna. She had felt it before, but had refused to acknowledge it.

Luna was the Alpha's mate, there was no denying it. Despite being human, her pheromones were irresistible to any werewolf who caught a whiff. The only problem was that since she was a human or somewhat not a werewolf even Betas and Deltas could sense her presence.

Angelica leaned in, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.
"What's your date of birth?" she whispered, trying to keep her voice low so as not to attract attention.

Luna hesitated for a moment before answering. "October 25th," she said, her gaze fixed on the front of the classroom where the teacher was droning on about parabolas.

Angelica's eyes widened in excitement. "Do you have any plans for it?" she asked eagerly.

Luna shook her head. "I used to celebrate it with my family and friends, but something happened when I was fourteen and I haven't celebrated it since."

Angelica leaned back, her mind racing with possibilities.

"Why don't you come with me?" she suggested. "My sister's birthday is on the same day and she doesn't celebrate it either. If you come, she'll definitely want to celebrate."

Luna hesitated, but ultimately declined. "I think I'll pass. There will be a lot of assignments and assessments around that time."

Angelica's disappointment was palpable, but she quickly recovered.

"When's your birthday?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

"December 25th," Angelica replied with a chuckle. "I'm two months younger than you."

Luna smiled politely, but her mind was elsewhere. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen, something big. And she had a sinking suspicion that it had to do with her new friend.


Both girls dramatically stretched their bodies as they made their grand exit from the classroom.

"Ugh, I'm so exhausted! I can't handle coming here every day," Angelica whined, practically hanging onto Luna like a koala.

"Hehe... Can you please stop clinging to me?" Luna yawned, clearly in need of a nap.

Angelica reluctantly let go and pouted, making Luna secretly think she was adorable.

"Well, I'm off to go home. See you tomorrow?" Luna asked, scratching her neck.

"Absolutely!" Angelica replied with way too much enthusiasm.

They both burst into laughter and went their separate ways.

Luna headed home, while Angelica made her way to the Pack house.

Luna usually walked to school, taking about thirty minutes. Sometimes she'd even take shortcuts, and today was one of those days.
The shortcut happened to be through a dense forest, but it was way less scary than her usual route. That lonely road was so deserted, she practically preferred the company of the trees and critters in the forest.

She walked through the serene forest, surrounded by the symphony of buzzing insects and whispering leaves. It was like a lullaby for her soul, putting her heart at ease.

Out of nowhere, she heard a rustling in the thorny bushes. But instead of fear, she looked at it with curiosity.

"Um, hello? Oh! It's a dog?" she exclaimed, spotting a big black dog with a silver lining in its fur.

'Ah, a dog... WAIT, DID SHE JUST CALL ME A DOG?!' thought the apparently offended 'dog'.

"You are just too adorable," Luna said, playfully tousling its fur.

The 'dog' couldn't resist melting into Luna's loving touch.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Luna screamed in surprise and delight as the 'dog' playfully pounced on her.
It showered her with slobbery kisses, making her burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"Hey, cut it out! Hahaha, that tickles!" She couldn't contain her laughter, amazed at how freely she could express herself in front of this furry friend.

"You know, it's a good thing you're an animal. If you were human, this would be so awkward, and I wouldn't have opened up so easily," she said with a gentle smile, continuing to ruffle the 'dog's' fur while it sat on top of her.

"Awoo awoo!"

"You know what? I hate my life. Seriously, my mom lied to me about my dad! Who does that? I have no idea how many more lies she's told me, and who knows how many more she'll tell in the future. I'm just so fed up!" Tears welled up in her eyes, her voice trembling as she fought back the urge to break down in front of an animal.

"Awoo..." The 'dog' responded, as if sympathizing and trying to comfort her.

"Haha... What a fool I am, seeking solace from a furry friend," Luna chuckled, about to wipe her tears away when the 'dog' jumped forward and licked them away.

Luna gazed at the animal with dreamy eyes, completely entranced. It was like staring into the depths of a magical silver disco ball. She couldn't help but focus on its eyes, which were unnaturally silver.

"Hey there, you breathtaking creature," Luna said, still in a daze.

If this dog could blush, it would have turned redder than a tomato in a salsa contest. Talk about puppy love!

"Wow, Luna, talking to animals? You really are a special kind of crazy," she chuckled awkwardly.

"Maybe we should make this a daily thing, even though you have no clue what I'm saying. I've got the worst luck with friends, but you, my furry friend, are a real gem. Let's call you... Lunar! It rhymes with silver, just like your eyes. I'm a genius, I tell ya!" Luna struck a pose, pretending to be a genius mastermind.


"Oh, so you approve? I'm thrilled!" Luna grinned like a mad scientist.

"Alright, I gotta jet. I'm late, like 'my-mom's-gonna-ground-me-for-life' late. Farewell, my furry companion."

She ruffled Lunar's hair and planted a kiss on its head. And just like that, Luna disappeared from sight.

In the dog's place stood a girl with bloodshot red eyes, completely naked, and a blush on her face. "Lunar, huh? Not a bad name at all."

All Wrapped up, do tell me what are your thoughts on this, and votes and comments are appreciated<333
Until then, sayonara<333

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