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Luna, the master of disappearing acts, longed for an escape from her class.
Seriously, her mom had gone on a two-hour rant about how much she cares and blah blah blah, making her late for class by a solid half hour. And of course, her homeroom teacher decided to scold her in every possible way, leaving her feeling like the ultimate embarrassment queen.

As she sat there, calculating the agonizingly precise time she had left in this prison they call school (6 hours, 25 minutes, and 37 seconds, to be exact), Luna couldn't help but ponder the sheer boredom of her life. It was just a never-ending cycle of home to school and back again. Yawn.
And now, the clock ticked down to a mere 25 seconds. Cue the dramatic music.
But just as she resigned herself to wasting away in this snooze-fest, a burst of energy exploded through the classroom doors.

"SORRY SIR FOR BEING LATE!" someone shouted with enough enthusiasm to wake the dead.

Luna couldn't help but feel a glimmer of relief. Hey, at least she wasn't the only one getting scolded today. She was practically an early bird compared to this latecomer. A smile crept across her face, and for a moment, all was right in the world.

But then, the teacher's response threw her for a loop. "Come on in and take your seat," he said, all gentle-like. Just like that?

Luna's expression froze, and she felt a mix of confusion and unease. Was this guy playing favorites?

Last time she checked, that was a big no-no according to Article 14A of the Teacher's Handbook (or at least she assumed it was in there).

Sure, she might not be the most knowledgeable about the rules, but who cares? Not Luna, that's for sure. Right now, she was on a mission to defend the rights of every student in that classroom. With a newfound sense of responsibility, she took matters into her own hands. Or rather, her own feet.
She hopped up onto her desk, claiming it as her personal podium. No desk mate? No problem. Luna stood tall, feeling like a superhero fighting for justice.

With a defiant tone, she protested, "Sir, you can't just play favorites! Are you being partial to some of us? She was even later than I was, but you didn't humiliate her like you did to me, did you?"And with that, Luna unleashed her inner advocate, ready to take on the world, one biased teacher at a time.

The teacher, with all the enthusiasm of a sloth on a Monday morning, gestured for Luna to make a swift exit from his class. Talk about a warm welcome!

But before Luna could unleash her next attack, the teacher interrupted, "Hold up, if you can't see clearly, let me point out this girl right here is a new student. The principal warned me that she'd be talking to the new student for ages. So, let's cut her some slack, shall we?" He said in a mocking tone.

Luna finally took a good look at the girl and realized she was a total stranger. And, oh boy, was she drop-dead gorgeous! It was like stumbling upon a unicorn in a sea of donkeys.

"Sorry," Luna muttered, feeling a sudden urge to inspect the floor tiles.

"As a token of apology, Luna here will be your personal tour guide. Lucky you!" the teacher declared, as if he had just bestowed the greatest honor in the universe.

Luna wanted to give him a priceless expression of shock, but she settled for a half-hearted nod instead.
Seriously, how did she end up in this mess? Well, it wasn't the new girl's fault, so maybe Luna should suck it up and apologize to her.

Taking a seat at her desk, Luna watched as the teacher instructed the new girl to introduce herself. And boy, did she make an entrance!

"Hey, everyone! I'm Angelica, the 17-year-old muscle queen. I live for workouts!" Angelica beamed, flexing her biceps like she was auditioning for a superhero movie.

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