Discovered Pt. 2

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M.A.G.O.S. has arrived at Max's house. To avoid having a crowd at Max's house, they brought as few people as possible. Those who came are namely Agent Connor, Agent Forza and Doctor Cybelle. Along with two other agents and soldiers.

Agent Connor: "So, Max, where is this person?"

Max: "Well, he's right here."

Grand: "H-hey guys!" *chuckles.*

Agent Connor: "Max, I thought you said the person is a she."

Max: "Oh, did I? I mean, uhh, she is actually still busy so I brought her brother. They both know about what happened to me. So, he's taking his sister's place."

Agent Connor: "Well, as long as he knows something, it's alright. So, tell me, what happened to Max?"

Grand: "Oh, you see, umm, Max, he is, given. You know, ritual and stuff."

Max: "What he meant to say is, I got this because of a ritual. Supposedly this ritual will allow a person chosen at random to have the ability to turn fiction into reality. At least, that's what he told me before this meeting."

Agent Connor: "Ritual? What's the particular group that performs this?"

Grand: "Oh, it's actually not by a group. My sister just likes to do it in her spare time. Apparently doing so gave her wisdom and increased her imagination."

Agent Connor: "Performing a ritual to give an advantage to someone else gives you wisdom and imagination?"

Grand: "Yes. Uhh, it's quite complicated."

Doctor Cybelle: "Max, have you ever experienced a transformation before yesterday?"

Max: "Umm, yes."

Doctor Cybelle: "What did you feel?"

Max: "Well, I can say that it felt weird."

Doctor Cybelle: "Do you feel dizzy, backpain, or anything out of the ordinary?"

Max: "No, I-" (Wait, I did feel dizzy seconds before I collapsed.) "Actually, yes. I was transformed for so long that I felt dizzy seconds before I collapsed."

Doctor Cybelle: "I see." (So, my hypothesis is correct. A transformation only lasts a few minutes.)

Agent Forza: "Well, I guess that's about enough information. Now that we know how he got this power from and what he could do with it, I think we can discuss the rest in the HQ."

Agent Connor: "Wait."

As Doctor Cybelle is standing up and things are starting to calm down, Agent Connor opens his mouth.

Agent Connor: "What's your name?"

Grand: "Uhh, Grand."

Agent Connor: "Forza!"

Agent Forza: "Dude, if this is your gut feeling thingy again-"

Agent Connor: "Just do it."

Agent Forza: *Sigh.* "Fine. But, I still need a full name."

Max: *Shocked.* (Shit. How could I not think this through? They have years of experience and they're a special organization. They have datas of everyone.)

Grand: "Umm, my full name?" (Are they gonna track me down?)

Max: *Whispers to Grand.* "Just tell the truth."

Agent Connor: "It's no use in lying."

Grand: *Gulps.* "Grand Farla."

Agent Forza immediately calls HQ right after he hears Grand's full name.

A quick 2 minutes has passed by and HQ has finally sent the files. Agent Forza passes his tab to Agent Connor. Agent Connor receives the tab and looks at the given file from HQ.

Agent Connor: "Grand Farla. Age, 22 years old. Does not go to college. Hobby, likes to write fictional stories. And he is the second child of two parents namely, Sasha Farla and Edward Farla. He... has... a brother. No records of having a sister."

Grand looks frustrated.

Agent Connor: "Whatever excuse you come up with is useless. We have records regarding everyone in the United States. Their name, race, age, gender, family, relatives, anything. Now, mind telling me the truth? I'm giving you a second chance, kid. Do not lie this time."

Max: *Gulps.*

Max still doesn't say anything. Well, M.A.G.O.S. won't back down. This is an important case. This time, they have access to people who have supernatural powers. Even if Max doesn't give an answer today, they will still go after Max until they get an answer.

Max: (If I tell him, they would still need proof anyway. I've lied twice. And they think that I'm not taking this matter seriously. If I can't give proof, they still won't believe me.)

Max doesn't know what to do next. He's confused.

After thinking for a few while, he remembered something.

Agent Connor: "If you're worried that we're not going to believe you, listen, we've faced weird things before and-"

Max suddenly stands up. Everybody's attention turned to him. Max then walks away to his room. Shortly after, he comes out with a book in his hand. It's the Book of Fiction & Reality, Tales of Reality. He then approaches the table and puts down the book.

Agent Connor: *Confused.* (A book?)

Max: *Turn to a random page.* "Just a disclaimer, I haven't tried this myself. I've never transformed intentionally. So, I'm sorry if whatever you're seeing here does not answer your questions or meet your expectations."

Max reads the writing in the book. It says "Shifting Command:..."

Max: "The Web Hero."

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