The Book Pt. 1

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Hours have passed by and Max has finished his work. Grand is still writing for his competition.

Grand: "Hey, uhh, mind if I stay for the night?"

Max: "Sure, no problem. I won't be here though. I haven't been at my house for a long time."

Grand: "Oh, ok."

Max: "Well, I'm hitting the road."

Grand: "Alright. Careful on your way home!"

Max: "Yea, thanks. Bye!"

Max then went to his house in New Jersey.

At Max's House

???Person???: *Opens the door.* "Yeah?"

Max: "Hey, Jerome!"

Jerome: "Oh, Max! Welcome back!"

Max: "How is the house?"

Jerome: "Safe and sound. Everything went smoothly.."

Max: "Good. Oh, how is your college exam?"

Jerome: "It went well, kinda."

Max: "Well, at least you did your best."

Jerome: "Are you sure you still don't wanna go to university? Education can be fun if you make it one."

Max: "No, I'm fine. I already got work and engineering's not really my thing."

Then, someone rang the bell again.

Jerome: "Don't worry, I'll get that."

???Girl???: "Oh, Jerome. Is Max here?"

Jerome: "Oh, Casey."

Casey: *Chuckles.* "Hi."

Max: "Jerome, who is it?" *sees Casey.* "Oh, hey!"

Casey: "Maxy!" *hugs Max.*

Max: "Wow, ok." *hugs back.* "What brings you here?"

Casey: "Well, I went to your apartment and Grand told me that you went home. Here, I brought you some cake."

Max: "Oh wow, thanks."

Casey: *Chuckles.* "Anything for you."

Jerome: "Alright you two, you guys are not alone. Now, save the chit chat and how about we go eat?"

Max: "You cooked?"

Jerome: "Well, I was planning to eat it for myself and if it's not finished, I can put it in the fridge and eat it tomorrow. But, since you came, that won't be happening."

Max: "Alright then, sure."

Both of them ate at the dining table.

At the dining table.

Jerome: "Oh, by the way, have you guys heard?"

Max: "What?"

Jerome: "So apparently, there is this group called M.A.G.O.S.-"

Max: "You're just like your brother."

Jerome: "Oh, so Grand have told you already?"

Max: "Yeah. He's so crazy about it that he's gonna use that for his writing competition. Say, it's not like you believe them do you?"

Jerome: *Quick silence.* "N-no, definitely not."

Max: (That's definitely a lie.) "Well, it's up to you whether you believe them or not. But I, I just think that it's logically and scientifically impossible. God is real and I do believe in his existence. But humans with godly powers? I don't think so. Our link with God has been broken due to sin, and if we can't even directly communicate with God anymore, let alone having the powers that exist in his realm."

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