Spirit of Fiction & Reality

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Max's Phone:


Accept Decline]

Max: *Wakes up.* "Huh?"

Max picks up his phone.

Max: (Casey?) *accepts.* "Hello?"

Casey: "Max? Why didn't you pick up? I've called you since this morning!"

Max: "What? I just woke up." *look at the alarm clock.* *shocked.*

Casey: "JUST woke up?"

Max: "Did you just say that you've been calling me SINCE morning?"

Casey: "Yeah. I was worried, you know? You were never like this. You usually wake up at 8 or so. I even came to your house but you didn't answer. I came to your apartment and Grand said you're not there. I'm worried." *sobs.*

Max: "Did you cry?"

Casey: "Huh? What? No I'm not."

Max: "Don't cry. I'm okay. You don't need to worry like that."

Casey: "No! You can't just casually lie like that."

Max: "I'm not lying."

Casey: "Yes you are. You boys are always like that. You guys always say that you're okay but you're not really okay. Why don't you guys just tell the truth? Just open up!"

Max: *Shocked.*

Casey cries because she was so worried that something happened to Max.

Casey: "So tell me, what happened?" *sobs.*

Max: "No, I'm not lying. It's the truth. You can trust me. Now, stop crying. There is nothing to worry about. I will always be fine. As long as you're still here, I will always be fine. Look, I just checked my alarm and it turns out, it ran out of juice."

Casey: "What about my phone call?"

Max: "About that, oh wait. Oh, silly me. It was because I got it on do not disturb mode."

Casey: "That sounds like a-"

Max: "Hey, do you trust me?"

Casey: "Well, I do but-"

Max: "Do you trust your own boyfriend?"

Casey: "Max-"

Max: "Do you?"

Casey: *Sigh.* "I do."

Max: "Alright. That's great. Anyways, I'm gonna hang up now. I'll get ready and come over."

Casey: "Okay."

Max: "Alright. Goodbye. Love you."

Casey: Love you too."

Max ended the call.

Max: *Sigh.*(Tell the truth huh? It's not like I don't want to. I can't just tell her that some ghost haunted me for no reason and I suddenly collapsed. Most likely, I collapsed because of that thing. And I need to find out what that thing is exactly.) *goes out of his room and looks at the book.* (Should I open it again?)

Max decides to open the book again, but after he gets to Casey. So, Max went to Casey's house. Hours passed and Max decided to go home.

Max: "Bye, love you!"

Casey: "Bye-bye. And do not make me worry like that ever again!"

Max: "Alright. Gotcha!"

Max went home, quickly changed his clothes and brought the book to his bedroom.

Max: (Alright mysterious book, let's open you again. What will happen this time?) *opens the book.*

And... Max saw something...

Max: *Surprised.*

Inside the book, it was a biography of fictional characters. It shows everything regarding each character. Each page shows one character.

Max: *Confused.* "But, when I opened it, nothing was there. The first time, it was nothing. Second time, a ghost appeared. Now, it's... this. But why?"

He then looked at every page of the book. All of them are filled with fictional characters until he gets to the very first page. The first page of the book shows some sort of instruction.

Max: (What is this?)

First Page of The Book:

[Hello, dear blessed one. If you are able to see the writings in this book, then you have been chosen to hold the knowledge regarding the true nature of fiction and reality. Keep in mind that this power exists in order to protect the world from evil. Do not misuse this power or else, you'll lose it and each person that you've met will no longer know you exist anymore. You might even be "invisible" to others. Whatever you use this power for, do it for good.

Now, I will be explaining how you can use this power. The green gem is what activates and releases the Spirit of Fiction & Reality. Once you've seen her and made contact with her, then you have unleashed the power of Fycto s' Realyta. The power to turn fiction into reality. To turn the fiction to reality, you must say the "Shifting Command" for each character. Keep in mind that holding the fiction inside reality takes your energy life little by little. For further information, you can ask Alora.]

Max: "Alora? Who's Alora?"

Alora: "That's me!"

Max: *Shocked.*

Alora: "Hi! I'm Alora! The Spirit of Fiction and Reality. Nice to meet you!" *Smiles.*

Max: (What the hell?)

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