part 1(begins a new dawn)

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"Jimin wake up it's 7am and you have to go to school "Mrs Park shouted from downstairs to wake imin up but to no avail. "Park Jimin if I come upstairs and you are still in bed you will have to go to school on  a wheelchair. But still no answer.
Mrs Park is a single mother who lost her husband ten years ago and.she lost everything except for the house the lived in.

Her and her son started struggling after the death of her husband. Her only son Jimin was her only reason to life and she was ready to protect him like a mother hen. It has been ten inutes since the last shout so Jimin was curious why his mother became quite all of a sudden. Unlike the other people Jimin was not particularly excited about going to a school full of rich brats who are so damn full of themselves. "Jimin I am coming in now "so Mrs Park entered Jimin's room .

She saw him sleeping in bed and sighed.she went to the window and opened it shouting "WAWAKEY WAKEY SLEEPY HEAD " Jimin groaned as he turned his head the other way "eomma ten more minutes please "he said pretending to be asleep. His mother saw through his tricks so she sat on the bed and turned Jimin towards her making him face her "Jiminie what is the problem?" .she asked. "Why are you not excited about going to school ?the best high school in the whole of Korea at that."she asked again. "Please talk to me you know I'm always here for you " she said looking at her son with pitiful eyes. Jimin sighed and sat upright loong at his mother who was looking at him with her usual smile."that's the problem eomma I don't want to go to that school full of self acclaimed billionaires who knows nothing but to bully poor people like me "Jimin said with a pout. Mrs Park smile "that's the more reason you should go to school. You are all I have and all I depend on I don't let you do any part time because I don't want you to worry about the expenses and focus on your studies and make eomma proud of you"Mrs Park said with a smile. Jimin said "you are right I will not let some bullying ruin my life and I will go to school and make you proud "Jimin said with a smile He got up but suddenly stopped and turned towards his mother and asked "where is snow flakes ?"

End of chapter one

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