Chapter 22

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Angels POV

I spent the next morning staring at the bag of pills on my nightstand. Why the fuck would he do that to me? Does he want me to kill myself? I knew I wouldn't be able to get rid of them on my own. I thought about telling Charlie or Cherri and having them taken but I couldn't let them go. Here we go again.

Around noon I heard a bunch of commotion downstairs. I just assumed Charlie was running some group thing. About 15 minutes in the noise escalated to full on yelling, then a car pulling up, more yelling, even Alastor was joining in. I was too tired to get up and check it out. If someone needs me I'm not going anywhere.

There was an almost frantic knocking at my door. I sat up, now kind of concerned. "Come in,". It was Charlie. "Hey Angel... can you come downstairs? We have a... situation." She said with a shaky voice trying to maintain a smile.

"What's going on?" She took a deep breath. "Husk is here, he says he wants to talk to you again and he's not gonna leave until you talk to him..." I froze in anger. "What. The. Actual. FUCK could he want from me?!" I yelled. Charlie sort of backed away and I knew I had to keep it together, at least for a minute. "Can't you tell him to get lost?" "We're trying Angel. But maybe it's important. Can you please come down? Cherri's here." I sighed loudly. "Fine."

We walked downstairs where Cherri was shouting at Husk and Alastor was trying to get them both to shut up. Nifty watched eagerly from the couch. Cherri ran up to me when she saw me. "Just say the word and I'll blow him up right now" she whispered in my ear. I smirked. "Go for it." Cherri pulled a bomb from her sleeve but Charlie intervened before she was able to throw it. "Cherri I told you not to hurt him! You're just here to support Angel," she whined. I frowned.

Cherri walked back over to me. "You okay?" I chuckled. "No, but let's see what the fuck he wants." We walked up to him like we meant business. Cherri did. I was kinda worried he had a gun on him or something. There's absolutely no reason for him to be here. It can't be good.

"What?" Husk looked very disappointed. Good for him. "I want to talk to you." I sighed loudly. "I ALREADY TALKED TO YOU. LEAVE. ME. THE. FUCK. ALONE." Cherri put her arm around me. "You heard him, get lost or else. I'm sure Mr radio won't mind cutting your time a little shorter."

Alastor grumbled. "As much as I would like to, Charlie has asked me not to. So the kitty stays." I screamed. "SO YOU'RE NOT EVEN DYING ANYMORE?! WHAT THE FUCK COULD YOU WANT FROM ME?" He looked like he was going to cry. I smirked. "I want you to forgive me! I want us to be together again!" I laughed hysterically almost unable to stop. Cherri put her hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of it.

"And what in hell makes you think you deserve that? You leave for a year, manipulate me into thinking you were gonna die, and now you fucking came after me?! What next are you gonna do next, start beating the shit out of me until I say I love you?!"

A few tears streamed down my face. Husk stepped away. "No, no what? Absolutely not! I would never do that to you!" He exclaimed. "You know who else fucking said that?" He gasped. "I am not like that, you know I would never hurt you. I love you Angel." I smacked him across the face. Cherri giggled. "Nice one Angie!" I was burning with rage.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE LIKE! AND I DON'T TRUST YOU. I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU COULD DO TO ME! FOR ALL I KNOW YOU HAVE A GUN WITH YOU AND YOU'RE JUST WAITING FOR ME TO TURN MY HEAD!" The tears flowed without stopping and everything was spinning. Cherri took my hand. "Come on, let's go. AND FUCKFACE BETTER BE GONE BY THE TIME WE COME BACK!" She yelled over her shoulder.

Cherri walked me to my room and told me she'd stay as long as I needed. I was so embarrassed. This is now the second time he's left me in tears. I have no self control. I'm fucking stupid. Crying over a fucking man. It's pathetic.

Cherri sat beside me and pulled me into a hug. "It's okay. We're gonna make sure he leaves." I tried breathing slowly. I felt like shit. Nuggets oinked in his crate. Cherri scooped him up and put him on the bed. "I haven't seen this thing in forever. He's cute," She said watching as he crawled into my lap. I smiled. "Yeah. He's my little baby." Cherri stood up. "I'm gonna go check it out okay, be right back," she said as she left the room.

The bag of pills shined brightly. I really thought about it. I could do it before she comes back. I probably wouldn't even have to see her reaction. I poured 3 into my hand. They looked so inviting. But I can't. But why can't I?

Suddenly I heard shouting downstairs, followed by loud footsteps up the stairs. I just observed until the sound got closer, and closer, and closer until my door was busted open. It was Husk. "FOR FUCKS SAKE!" I yelled swallowing the pills. I had always done that to hide pills or contraband when I was not supposed to have something. My heart dropped, I froze. Husk stared at me wide eyed. Cherri ran up from behind him and looked equally as terrified before running up to me. "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT ANGEL WHAT HAPPENED?!
Darkness flooded me. I was no longer able to talk. This is it. I let go and settled into my end. Happiness at last.

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