Chapter 4

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Angels Pov:

Why do I always drive my friends away?? Now I really need drugs. I arrived at the studio 15 minutes early. Val loves it when I'm early, he thinks that's me being enthusiastic about this fuckfest. But I've learned that if you just do little things to please him, he goes easier on you when you fuck up. Sometimes.

As soon as I walked in I was jump-scared by Val sucking face with Vox. I had to fake cough just to get them to notice I was there. Val turned to look at me and when Vox was sure he couldn't see, he waved at me.

I don't hate Vox. He's basically in the same position as me. He's just as scared of Val as I am. We're both products of his abuse. The only difference between us is that Vox could obliterate him easily if he wanted to. I would kill for that power. I don't blame him for staying around Val though. He's manipulative, it's really hard if not impossible to see through his lies.

"Afternoon Angel Cakes," he smiled at me. "You're early, you know how happy that makes daddy don't you?" I smiled the most sincere looking smile I possibly could. "Of course daddy," I said in a high pitched innocent tone. My throat burned with the taste of the words. Disgusting, I really have no dignity at all.

"Can you do a shoot for me tomorrow baby? I can make it worth your while~" he said with a smirk. I smiled when he called me baby. I felt sick for it, but part of me still wanted him to love me. I suddenly felt really nauseous.

"Be right back Val!" I exclaimed as I ran to the bathroom. I didn't even look back. When I got there I threw up everything I had in me. Damn I guess thinking about that made me literally sick.

While washing my hands I noticed Vox had followed after me. "Fuck happened?" He asked half annoyed half concerned. I looked down at my  filthy hands covered in soap, as if any amount could make them clean. "Aw were you worried Voxxy baby?" I said in a childish voice. "Yes! If something happened to you I'd have to deal with that shitstain on my own!" He laughed. "But seriously you good? Did you have to throw up?"

"Yeah. I'm okay though!" I said quickly trying to lighten the mood. "What did you need?"
"Well for one Val had to go so here's your payment," he started handing me a check. "But I also wanted to show you something. Meet me at my apartment at midnight." With that he walked out.

One thought ran through my head. Val's making him beat me up or something. This can't be good.

I arrived at his apartment a couple minutes before midnight. I had a small knife tucked under my shorts just in case. Chances are I wouldn't actually stab Vox, but just in case he pulled something I could defend myself. Would  Vox hurt me? I think we're on good terms, if not friends. But if Val wanted him to I don't think he'd be able to refuse.

I entered the apartment and prepared for anything.

A/N: The story's gonna have an actual plot now, I thought of something. But if you guys don't end up liking it please let me know. A couple things:

1: this particular Vox and angel dynamic is my favorite thing in the world so we'll be going with that.

2: Huskerdust may or may not be a thing in this story. Don't get your hopes up, but also don't lose hope. I think I know how to incorporate it into the story but I feel like it's uncharacteristic. (Future Jack here, Huskerdust ended up VERY MUCH a thing)

3: Some things in this story may not be canon, for example Cherri and Velvet. I don't actually know either of their sexualities, but I personally think Cherri is bi and Velvet is probably pan or smth.

4: I know the Vox plot line is not at all canon and in the actual show he's probably gonna end up being just as bad as Val. But I've seen other people do this (and lived through something very similar) so it's happening. Some context for what happens later on, in this story Vox and Angel are coworkers, and sort of a causal hookup/friends with benefits the thing. They have too keep it secret from Val because Vox is either his ex or partner at any given time, but it's a very down low dynamic anyway. Neither of them are really romantically attached to each other, but have become decent friends.

Anyway drink some water you little shits. Your kidneys are raisining

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