Chapter 8

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Angels POV:

I woke up next to husk at around noon. It's kind of weird going to bed with someone and waking up next to them. Hopefully it's something I can get used to.

Wait NOON?! Fuck I'm supposed to be at the studio by now. Vals gonna kill me. I jumped off the bed and got dressed quickly and fed my pig. In my rush I woke up husk. "Angel?" "Where are you going?" He asked with his eyes still closed. "Work." I muttered as I tried to do my makeup. My hands were already shaking just thinking about what he's gonna do to me. "Why?" He asked sitting up.

"Why? Why do you think? Gotta make a living." I said confused. "No you don't. You live at the hotel for free. And Charlie gives you an allowance for helping out. " he said. "Husk I have to go. I'll see you tonight though okay?" I said grabbing my bag. He grabbed my arm. "If he's abusing you why would you go back? You don't have to. You're safe at the hotel." He asked.

"Husk let me go. I have to go to work. I'm already late." I said annoyed at him. "Angel you know he's gonna hurt you. Stay here with me. He can't get you in here. And if he tries I'll have Al rip him apart. Valentino is no match for the mighty radio demon" My chest tightened hearing his name. "I can't." I said barely above a whisper.

"Why not." Husk said like it was so easy. "I DON'T KNOW!" I yelled and fell to my knees. All the tears I wasn't allowed to feel spilled out of me like blood from a cut. I curled up in a ball on the floor and sobbed pathetically. Husk got off the bed and just sat with me. I think he wanted to say something but didn't know what the right thing would be. He grabbed Nuggets and put him in front of me. Nuggs snuggled me and licked my face. I held him close to me as I continued to cry. I felt like a hot mess. I felt weak and stupid.

After what seemed like forever I couldn't cry anymore so I got up and sat in the bed. Husk and I sat silently on the bed, neither one of us able to utter a word. For once, Husk was the first to speak up. "I'm sorry you have to deal with this. But I promise you, it'll only get worse if you go back to him. I know it's hard. You deserve to be happy. Let yourself have that."

Tears sat at the bottom of my eyes. Maybe there's more coming yet. "But what if he comes after me? He's not just gonna let me leave," I said. He put his hand on top of mine. "You're safe at the hotel, I promise. He's no match for alastor. And if he even tries fucking with Charlie Lucifer would destroy him." I looked down. "I'll stay. But if he comes to get me I'm not gonna put you guys in danger." Husk smiled a little bit. "Cool. Let's go get breakfast." He said as I got up and fixed my smudged makeup.

Alastor was standing in the living room at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey Al, I got a question for you." Husk said. "Yes Husker what is it?" He asked. He's so fucking fancy. "If you and Valentino has to fight, do you think you'd  win?" Al smiled widely. "Of course I would. A pest like him should be easy to squash. Why?"

"Oh no reason." Husk said walking away to the kitchen with me. "See, Al's got it covered. And now that he's already said he can win he's too prideful not to. I told you you're safe here."

Charlie saw me and ran over. "Morning Angel! I heard noises up there. Are you okay?" She asked with a hint of concern in her voice. "Oh oh I know! Husk and Angel were making a baby!" Nifty exclaimed with a huge smile. Jeez that kid has zero filter. Husk and I both blushed like crazy. "That is not what happened!" Husk said pissed off. Technically we didn't, but now everyone's gonna think we did. Alastor scoffed and left. We moved to the couch.

"I just dropped something and the pig got scared and started screaming." I said being a much better liar than husk. Charlie's undying trust faltered for a minute. "Your eyes are really red. Are you sure? Don't lie angel." At any other place I would just say I'm high, but Charlie would lose her shit. "It's just been a rough morning. That's all." I said trying to avoid eye contact. "What happened?" She asked with more concern building up. "Im just stressed about work." I said. Husk piped up from the kitchen. "Just tell her dipshit."

"It's my boss. He abuses me. The weight of everything just hit me really hard today. Some days it's fine, other days it's not. Today was a bad day." I said feeling really embarrassed. Husk came over with waffles and handed me a plate. He sat down next to me on the couch. Somehow his presence made things a little better. "I'm sorry Angel. I had no idea. That sounds really hard." "Mhm." I mumbled eating my waffles. "Shit Husk I didn't think you could cook." I chuckled. "I can't. They're frozen waffles. They're just good frozen waffles. He said with a smirk.

When we finished Charlie gave me a big hug. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that Angel. But he can't hurt you here. I promise." She said.

I felt a little better. Maybe everything would actually be okay.

Boo. Hi. I am SO sorry for the wait. I was literally nonstop throwing up for like 2 days straight and then when I actually felt better I had to deal with cps and I'm currently getting tested for a bunch of stuff so I've been super busy. Anyway I hope you like it. There's still at least 3 or 4 more chapter left so stay tuned

Ashtray -Angel Dust Angstजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें