Chapter 3

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He drifted into a forever sleep, never to awake again...
Nah just kidding, he wishes

Angels Pov:

I woke up to a splitting migraine. It was well past noon. A little paper note sat on my nightstand. "Come downstairs when you wake up, I made breakfast :) -Charlie" Damn it now I have to get up.

I walked slowly down the stairs for some reason really tired. I've been sleeping all day, how could I possibly be tired? Little pieces of last night came back to me. "God what a mess," I thought to myself.

Husk kept glancing up at me from the bar. I probably scared him off. I was a wreck last night. I'm not sure why, but I felt compelled to explain myself. As if he liked me in the first place. I'm probably just even weirder to him now.

I sat down at the bar and just stared at him, waiting for him to talk first. He never did. "Hey..." I said awkwardly. Maybe he was too drunk to remember. I don't want to remind him if he forgot. "Hey. Tired?" He asked while wiping down a glass. I nodded, which seemingly used up all my energy because I then had to rest my head in my hands.

"Yeah I bet." He said not changing his facial expression at all. He continued cleaning up silently. God damn it husk you're so hard to talk to. "About last night," I said as he looked up. "Can we just keep that between us? I don't need Charlie knowing, she'll make a big deal out of it." He paused. "Sure, I don't care." He said with the same amount of monotone.

"Great, now that we figured that out, I need a drink. Whatever the strongest thing you have is." I said with a sigh. He raised an eyebrow at me. "I'll give it to you if you want it, but it's just gonna make it worse. You already remembered it, drinking isn't gonna erase that memory. Plus you'll feel even more tired and shitty. Up to you though." He shrugged. Whatever. I don't need booze. Im getting paid tonight, Im gonna get some real drugs.

Which reminds me I was gonna hang out with Cherri today. I should probably go. " See you husky!" I waved as I left. He didn't even look up. What a dick. "Bye Charlie!" I shouted across the room. She frowned a little bit. "Where are you going?" I thought of a lie. Jokingly, I said "Why the library of course. I want to study the immersive literature of Hell." But somehow she believed me. I almost felt bad, it was way too easy. Almost.

I met up with Cherri at a small club. The lights made my face hurt. "So how's it been Angie?" She asked sipping her weird fruity drink. "Eh. Could be better could be worse. You sleeping at all?" I asked. Cherri's an insane insomniac. She can go without sleep for over a week. "More or less. Couple hours every couple days," she said casually as if that wasn't awful. That's what I love about Cherri. We're both so fucked up we can talk about it like it's nothing.

"So Cher, you seeing anyone?" I asked with a smirk. Her face lit up red. "Sort of. Nothing official though. Just a bunch of sex pretty much." She said with a smile. "Who is it?" I asked filled with curiosity. "I don't think you want to know," she said looking down. I searched my brain for a person it could be but came up with nothing. "I do though. You not telling me makes me want it so much more!" I whined. She giggled. "Okay, but don't get mad. Promise?" "Promise," I said.

"It's Velvet."

My face dropped. She looked ashamed. "I told you you didn't want to know!" She said quickly. "Cher you know who she is right? She's like my boss's kid." Cherri frowned. "I think she's a good person. Just because she was lumped in with Vox and Val doesn't make her evil like them." She said. I tried my hardest to be happy for her. Partners are hard to come by. But I know what she's capable of. " Cherri I love ya but she isn't good for you. Choose literally anyone else!" I complained. Cherri stood up from the table. "I'm gonna go Angie. But I'll see you okay," she said as she left. Crap. I messed up.

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